Author Topic: Clutter: a person problem  (Read 3661 times)


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Re: Clutter: a person problem
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2008, 11:53:52 AM »

Books- I have so many...giant dictionaries of many types, novels textbooks, lawbooks, poetry,plays, screenplays, biographies, how-to's, 911 report, Warren Commission, any government or political tome,medical, psychology, philosophy, letc etc etc-lots and lots of these- cannot think of relinquishing any...
Papers- I am afraid to get rid of any financial docs until the final divorce decree, school docs, academic papers (sometimes helpful with comments to demonstrate writing competence level), huge amount of medical documentation, etc etc etc-
Bagworm stuff- he hasn't gotten his things as agreed so they remain a huge huge burden,can't get rid of any community items  either- what a hassle-the bane of my existence
Employment stuff- detailed, may need in future for proofs
Items in storage in boxes, quite neat, labeled, etc- Bagworm's disgusting furniture, stupid paintings and chaotic personal stuff chokes the garage- I want it out or get rid of it in a dumpster!!!!!
Other household items mostly organized well. This inventory was actually good for me- Thank you Izzy- I must be more proactive regarding the Bagworm stuff!!!!
I start the new term Monday at law school and thought I would have this  life-choking issue resolved. I simply cannot have another term marred by Bagworm and his stuff...


Changing, Who Needs Her "Space"


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Re: Clutter: a person problem
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2008, 08:13:03 PM »
changing you are bound to have far more things because of your circumstances. So is everyone else. I'm on death's door so I am dumping things. Meaning, I want to do it while I can and there are many ways I can lighten the load for later.

I have my beautiful engagement ring from Joe. There is a diamond exchange down the street, buy and sell and as fair as can be, from an experience I had a couple of years ago. I want to convert it to cash, because only I know its value and I don't want one of my grandsons giving it to a gal and then things so Splat! My granddaughter deserves an engagement ring from whomever she chooses to marrry.

My daughter never had a diamond, but I know she is not interested. She wanted a ruby engagement ring but N fiancé never came through

That man I know, my ex-boss? He invested in precious gems and had one ruby. N thought he would be getting it free. I was there with them, as they were looking at stones.  I could tell. N, in leaving, was not a happy fella!

I'm just hoping when that time comes, to change residences, there will be little junk hanging around for my daughter to deal with.

OOps got off track

lighter: I love you. Everybody wants me near.

and Leah about the open books in disarray--I understand! He is working! My desk is a mess when I am doing certain jobs. But tidy after.

I never heard of a disorder that would make a person be disordered with their belonging, but all things are possible. Maybe I was dropped on my head as a baby? and have an opposite disorder. You too axa?

My tidiness, I expect, came from a fear, maybe, that something important might be in the mess (parents'or at work) and I would be dumping it, so it was sort and dump, sort and dump. Also my first job at 17, when the warning buzzer went, we put away our work,  tidied our desks and locked them. NOT ONE thing except the IN/OUT basket was to be left out. Boss looked around and could spot a stapler or whatever.

These were rules of the business.

Dinnertime--what'll I have?

love Izzy
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"