You are Izzyfied, something that I am striving for , but am woefully deficient at at present. But I love to hear your thoughts on the subject, as they have inspired some major organizing on my part and I love it!
I have a filing cabinet and folders for my personal papers: bank statements, Visa, Car expenses, material that comes with a new purchase and if/when I sell it, I can give the new owner the manual etc.--like if I sell this brand new cell phone that I haven't even used, let alone taken out with me when I do go out-- (not including Computer material). Charge Card info, Car insurance and automobile Association--Income Tax Returns, last 7 years.
...but I now only charge in Visa--I have Store Cards, like Sears, but don't use them--and use debit cards.
... as long as my bank statements reconcile I keep only the last couple of months and dispose of anything older
...In a 'recipe'box with the already alphbetized cards, I keep the stub from the last payment I made for --electricuty, cable, telephone, even yearly items like the disability card for the car,,--when the next month's bill arrives showing I paid last month's bill, I toss it and keep only the current stub
--I keep my bank records etc. on a computer program --even down to the cash in my wallet--when I spend cash, use my debit card, use Visa, or write a cheque, I post to my program. My income is deposited automatically and the program knows enough to post it.
I file these when they are paid. Only takes a minnute.
I keep my computer material in a separate place and for each purchase of a program, I keep the store receipt stapled to the info, and also with programs that require an ID whatever are stapled to the material so nothing is lost.
Right now I have Corel 3 ands Corel 4 but they are usekess to me with XP and I expect they are not needed by anyone else, so that is all that I've hung onto, "in case", but there disks and manuals etc will all go out soon in the garbage. I use Corel 10. in XP and pray it is good in Vista. I own 3 and 4, so had to pay only ½ price for Corel 10, $400,00
I donated all my books to the Library, and now just borrow books---less space used.
I have about 200 DVDs and they are filed alphabetically, but in 3 places, yet I have a Spreadsheet with all the titles.
My VCR tray holds only 24 cassettes, sitting under the VCR--any others are in with the books I own that I didn't donate---accompanied by all my previously mentioned computer things.
All pens and pencils are in a holder.
The top drawers on either side oif me at my desk could be considered messy, but it is difficult to file a stapler, a staple remover, a bank stamp, a calculator, paper clips, bag of elastic bands, bottle of ink, memo pads, rulers, 3-hole punch, but I've heard it said that there must be a least one junk drawer in the house.
Well that only covers paying the bills and filing after ward. Not hard.
Do I sound obsessive or just in control of my paperwork?