This year I came really close to ending it all on Christmas Day. Every year my N mother’s torment becomes worse, and I don’t know how much longer I can take it.
She has been tormenting me since I was a teen (I’m now 47), but Christmas has always been her big time of the year to exercise control over her three children, primarily me, since I have always been her target. Even though we are in our 30s and 40s, with no children of our own, each year she insisted on a Christmas that treated us like young children. We were required to submit a “Christmas List,” and she went through great trouble to set up stockings and a tree stacked with presents from “Santa Claus.” We were even made to sit at the “children’s table” for dinner. Then mother would send photos and videos to her siblings, bragging of her perfect Christmas with her adoring family.
About 6 years ago I acted on my therapist’s advice and cut it off. It was the only way to stop it. This sent N mother into a rage, and she began tormenting me every Christmas with nasty notes, insult gifts, and emails to my husband trying to manipulate him into feeling guilty and attempting to turn him against me for hurting her.
This year we received a box of gifts with a note inside from her, saying that it had been so long since she had seen us that she didn’t know us anymore, so was giving each of us a check for $100. The note went on to say that the gifts in the box had been purchased by my father, and that she didn’t know what they were.
After opening the box it was obvious that she was up to her old tricks. All of the gifts were wrapped and tagged by her, ten for my husband and three for me. My gifts were tagged “From Santa,” and Hubby’s gifts were tagged “Love Mom and Dad.” He received high-denomination gift cards, and I received two pairs of socks and some dish towels.
I don’t know how to shut this down. We told my father that we don’t want anymore gifts, but he felt hurt and dejected. I have no doubt that he purchased the gift cards (M doesn’t drive, which exercises control over HIM), but he has no idea how M packaged them. He’s known for 30 years that she has issues when it comes to me, but chooses to put his head in the sand and ignore it, so as much as I love him, I do cast some of the blame on him for enabling her.
Even though M has done far worse in the past, this Christmas was sort of my breaking point. It’s the first time that I had suicidal thoughts. The only reason that I don’t follow through is knowing that it would give her the ultimate victory. I don’t know why this year hit me so hard, but I think as I get older I’m losing my coping mechanisms and want it to end.
Hubby is somewhat supportive, though not much. His feeling is that he didn’t sign up for dealing with mentally ill people, so I get minimal support.
I’m posting this here just because I need to unburden. Even if someone reads this, and doesn’t respond, well. I feel better just typing it.
Thanks all. If anyone else goes through this, I'd love to know that I'm not alone.