I have posted here a lot over the past year about having poor boundaries and not standing up for myself. Today I was helping my neighbour, who is a nice person, with a chore. She had told me she was feeling anxious and had had a disagreement with a friend. As I was helping her I found her a bit snappy and thought OK Axa here is your opportunity to have a voice. I told her I felt she was being angry towards me and I was there to help her and if she continued I would leave and let her get on with the chore herself. With this she apologised and meant it......... I know she was distracted but I was very glad I stood up for myself in an assertive way without any anger on my part.... big deal for me. When I was leaving she said "I really admire how clear you are and how you are so able to be straight with me" .............well guys you could have seen me virtually cartwheeling down the street. I am learning that practise does make it easier. Each opportunity to use my voice makes it easier the next time. People who are respectful will hear what I am saying and I feel a hell of a lot better than when I would carry my annoyance home and feast on it for the evening.
This is not a Oh you are so wonderful Axa post, it is another part of me acknowledging my voice amongst people who understand that this is difficult and it helps reinforce my adult behaviour.
Thanks for listening