So, it was Friday evening and I decided, for some reason, to try again. Called the Nmother around 6:30 pm. Local department store is having a summer sale; would she like to go sometime this weekend? Trying hard to be normal here – just Mom and daughter out for a shopping trip. Pretty usual stuff, right?
Ok, she’ll go. Make it Sunday because she has to color her hair first, (can’t have the waiting world suspect that there’s a gray hair on her seventy-nine year old head). That’s fine, Sunday it is.
Saturday morning the phone rings. Nmother can’t go because she thinks she’s getting a sore throat and cannot color her hair. Maybe I could bring her some groceries on Sunday instead. No problem, just tell me what you need. Spend forty-five minutes going over the grocery list; I’ll call her tomorrow before I leave for the grocery so she’ll know what time to expect me.
Sunday morning the phone rings. Nmother has decided she wants to be alone all day and spend the day in bed. Her throat is still scratchy and she has a vague pain somewhere in her midsection.
This is where I’m supposed to insist on bringing over the groceries. I know the drill. Spend the next hour listening to her various physical complaints, complaints about the neighbors, complaints about my brother and sister, complaints about her brothers and sisters, the grandkids, the gardener, my deceased father and all his relatives.
Ok, she’s old. Maybe everything does hurt when you’re almost eighty, Maybe everyone you’ve ever known does drive you nuts over time. I’d be more willing to chalk it up to age and play along except that she’s told me and others that she can’t stand the sight of me. Which leads me to believe that she’d like to go shopping, like to have her groceries delivered, but she’d like me to accommodate her invisibly. However, she’d like me to do it with visible annoyance so she can tell others how self-centered I am.
Plus, if I really loved her I’d know whether she really doesn’t want to go out, or to have me bring her groceries, or whether this is a test and what she really wants is to be persuaded.
Nmother to whoever will listen: “I really wanted to be alone last weekend, but she just INSISTED on doing these things. You KNOW how I always have put the needs of my kids (?!!!) first.”
I am certifiably nuts.
Thanks for listening,