Author Topic: Result of N parents - anxiety disorder to the Nth degree  (Read 1818 times)

Gaining Strength

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Result of N parents - anxiety disorder to the Nth degree
« on: January 04, 2008, 11:02:04 AM »
I have distilled my struggle down to the essence - anxiety disorder.  Two aspects of anxiety are impediments to my wellbeing: 1) the "no-win" syndrome and 2) demands/expectations beyond the necessary resources. 

The experience of expecting and receiving criticism and belittling teasing based on whatever I attempted - or "NO" as response to basic requests for permission  led to a defective attitude toward upcoming experiences in life.  When I applied for work or signed up for activities I "expected" the answer to be no.  As I look back on my job search and interviewing in my 20s and early 30s I realize that I "begging" rather than "selling" myself.  But that was a reflection on my attitude towards myself - underneath, unaware - I didn't believe that I deserved that job.  I was waiting for someone (parent) to give me permission to be allowed to succeed.  I never got that permission - I have two parents who on difference levels actually wanted me to fail.  That has something to do with their N personalities and the projection of their dark sides onto me.  I became an object to destroy in their psyche.

The second one is just bizarre.  Even though I grew up in an affluent and prominent family and society I would be sent out to do something but given a fraction of the money necessary to complete the task and then severely criticized about how I handled it and how I over spent and then be compared with friends who did a much better job (who unbeknownst to me had three times the funds.)  Believe it or not this latter situation completely penetrated my psyche and has really pushed me down, down, down.

My greatest determination at this time is to get passed these anxiety paralyzing syndromes and move forward.

It is difficult for me to generate confidence ex nihilo.  When I get passed this dark place and move into functioning and making money I hope to found somekind of organization that allows people struggling with depression and anxiety to come and get the support and encouragement they need to push forward toward healing. 

As I approach 50 I realize that having allowed these very dark, demeaning concepts to have dominated my self-image simply means that I have long engrained thought processes and therefore brain functions to redirect.  It must be more difficult to redirect these thoughts and brain functions after so long a time but I (anyone) can do this. 

Part of what I want to do is to develop my own sense who I am not based on how others react to me.  I have spent a life deciding who I am based on how people react to me.

The place my anxiety really gets me is in doing daily tasks - I have this cloud that hangs over me - "I won't get that done because ________________."  That is the message that I must overwrite each and every day.  But I must say - raising a hyperactive, attention deficit, only child son actually feeds those destructive messages.  Part of his personality is very negative.  He complains abou everything and is very difficult to direct.  He is a picky eater and complains about whatever I plan for our meals.  He fights me on everything.  It is exhausting and at a time when I truly need encouragement and support (everyone needs these things especially those of us who are trying to move out of a dark place into the light.)

I have know for years and years that I needed support and encouragement.  I don't know where to get it.  One place I get it is through my therapist.  So I pay $130/week to get the only true support and encouragement available to me.  I am working hard on providing that for myself.  I am having a hard time doing this.  I don't know why - is it because I have so much to overrcome or is it that it is more powerful when it comes from someone else who is genuine and those are very hard to find - I'm not sure.  But I will continue to push for this transformation.  I have no choice.


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Re: Result of N parents - anxiety disorder to the Nth degree
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2008, 11:16:49 AM »
Dear GS,
 Keep posting on the board. It will provide help and support for you to transform. You are not alone in your anxiety.I have fear with me,almost all the time.
 I am starting to see a little strength in myself. I am starting to feel a sense that my "core' is there to navigate me. It is coming very slowly.
As Dr G says, we have to find our true voice. That is what you are looking for (IMO). Keep sharing and facing yourself as honestlly as you can. The Bible promises that we will be "free",if we can only face the truth.The truth,GS,  is that most  of what your parents taught you about yourself was  lies. You are worthwhile and beautiful. You just need to tap in to your core. All those negative messages were pure lies and distortions.Your therapist knows this and I do, too.GS.I love to hear your voice.     Love   Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung

Gaining Strength (guest)

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Re: Result of N parents - anxiety disorder to the Nth degree
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2008, 11:25:23 AM »
Thanks for your support.  I find all support is very, very helpful.  I am taking in your words.


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Re: Result of N parents - anxiety disorder to the Nth degree
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2008, 11:31:46 AM »
Love You, GS.
Really, any bad tape or message is a 'lie". Only God has the "final" word on your worth--God, alone.
  The problem with "words' is that they are ONLY words until they find a place in our hearts.
  The lies seem real. I know, GS. You know that I understand.
  I have so many tapes to overcome, also.
   I am going back to my Bible websites to find the truth. N's tell us  lies upon lies.
   I can tell you that you ARE  loved and valuable,GS. You are!     Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Result of N parents - anxiety disorder to the Nth degree
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2008, 11:35:20 AM »
As I approach 50 I realize that having allowed these very dark, demeaning concepts to have dominated my self-image simply means that I have long engrained thought processes and therefore brain functions to redirect.  It must be more difficult to redirect these thoughts and brain functions after so long a time but I (anyone) can do this. 

Part of what I want to do is to develop my own sense who I am not based on how others react to me.  I have spent a life deciding who I am based on how people react to me.

Dear Persevering Strength,

Age is but a number, and, at any time in ones life, one has the right to change direction, and be, who one chooses to be.

This is now, your time, as you wish to work on who you wish to be.

Love and encouragement to you, along this, your new exciting journey of discovery.

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: Result of N parents - anxiety disorder to the Nth degree
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2008, 11:35:39 AM »
GS:  I have said it before and I will say it again...............did we grow up in parallel universes with the same set of circumstances???  I, too, have a wealthy family and my mom gets to "own" all the status etc. that goes with it.  Although they would say that they want me to successful, happy, etc. it is really that she wants to outshine me.  I have been labelled the probelm child with issues of instability..........meanwhile, mommy gets to "save the day" yet again when bailing me out, etc.

So I am with you.  I feel the same way in so many situations.  Like so many times I tried to get another job.  I would sell myself until the very last decision making interview and then I would just kinda deflate...........accept defeat before they even got through with the interview.  My nerves got the best of me.  A downward spiral.  Sound and feel familiar???

As Ami said, the best way out is to verbalize your angst so you can process it and work through it.  We all need to do that.  Talk about it.  Get it out.  Shine the light on the dysfunction (as we do with Trolls!!)  Shining the light on what is wrong is the only way to eradicate the wrongness.  Identifiying the whys behind our self fulfilling prophecies.  And then getting rid of the stupid lies that drive us to self sabotage, etc.

Love to you today.  A very special pat on the back and hugs.  We are gonna make it.  It may take time but we are gonna make it.  I will lose weight.  I will be pretty again.  I will be successful.  I just signed up for a new company which is really ground floor in Iowa.  I plan on being a trail blazer with this company.  I want to find something that makes ME successful.   No more leaning on nmom to help pave the way for me.  I want to be able to help her with a $20 now and then!!!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Result of N parents - anxiety disorder to the Nth degree
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2008, 12:27:12 PM »

I have distilled my struggle down to the essence - anxiety disorder.  Two aspects of anxiety are impediments to my wellbeing: 1) the "no-win" syndrome and 2) demands/expectations beyond the necessary resources. 

GS, I know exactly where you are coming from.  I do.  I have the same issue with severe, crippling anxiety.  In fact, the Nmom is coming to my house to deliver something, and I'm a wreck about it.  I ate an extra large breakfast, so I can skimp on lunch and go home, make the bed, do some more clean up, etc.  I can feel the anxiety building.  I won't be able to relax until they leave tonight.  I have been doing better though, much better than I was a few months ago, where I would just fall apart and have panic attacks over math homework, phone calls, etc.  I would literally be paralyzed because I suddenly realized that it was 9pm and homework wasn't done, and I didn't know what to do.

I also have a child who can be very, very difficult.  He's a super picky eater, will only eat certain brands, textures of food.  He prefers junk over something healthy.  We are slowly working to change things.  Both of us are getting better.  I have some links on my computer at home that I found really helpful.  I'll post them later, after the Nmom leaves.  I might have to hide in my room after that.  Here are some of the things that have really helped me.

1. No contact with my parents for 2.5 months.  We have limited contact now, but I have resolved to go back to no contact if my nmom's behavior turns bad again.

2. I was having a hard time with feeling trapped, as though I couldn't win no matter what I did.  I had to learn some new ways of thinking.  First, when I started feeling anxious I sat down with my journal and wrote down WHY I was feeling anxious.  I would get some surprising answers, sometimes.  It helped me identify what the real issues with my thinking were, and when I knew that, I could work towards changing them.  If I do it right now . . . I'm anxious because:

My nmom is coming to visit, and she's going to criticize my home, even though I've worked very hard to make it a home.

She'll disrupt my peaceful space.

She'll snoop through my things and ask questions on topics I have deemed off limits.

I'm afraid she'll want more contact that I'm willing to give, and we'll be back to where we were 2.5 months ago.

I'm afraid I'll cave in to her.

3.  I started making lists of things I needed to do and wanted to do.  It helped to see it on paper, so I didn't feel quite so overwhelmed by all the things I saw as undone.  Then I could work steadily towards completing each task.  I'm still working on the lists.

4.  I had to do something with the kid.  He spent the night with Grandma earlier this week, and it was heaven.  I'm ashamed to say I enjoyed that night far too much, and was actually disappointed when he didn't want to spend another night with her.  As much as I love him, he can drive me absolutely bonkers.  So here's some of the things I had to do:

*  I tossed the reward system out the window.  It was too hard an complicated for me to keep track of.

The new system is based on allowance and things he has to do around the house.  He doesn't get bonuses for good behavior at school.  It's kind of mean of me, but I decided he's responsible for what happens at school.  We can talk about it, and I'll make suggestions, I'll even contact the teacher when appropriate, but I won't make excuses for his behavior.  So for now, he gets $5 a week for the following things: care and upkeep of his rat, helping with the dog, keeping his room clean.  That's it.  If the tasks aren't accomplished, he doesn't get the money, and I won't buy anything for him.  I did relax this during Christmas, but it's going to go back in effect now.  If he goes somewhere and wants a $5 item and doesn't bring his money, he forfeits his allowance.  There's a new rule going into effect on his birthday, but thats a few weeks away.

This helped because he's responsible for his stuff, and there are consequences if he doesn't do as he's told.

*  My new homework rule is: Two hours is the absolute limit for homework.  I won't make the kid work beyond that, unless it's some sort of special project, like constructing a model that is fairly time intensive.  If he does homework for two hours, and he still has work to finish, I write the teacher a note explaining and we put it up for the night.  This took care of my anxiety over homework and his.  No more stressing because the teacher assigned 36 math problems and after an hour we only have 10 done.  If he gets 15 done, that's what he turns in.

*  The house chores cause me a lot of anxiety.  I don't really like messes, but I give myself permission to go to bed sometimes with the living room not picked up, dirty clothes on the floor, dishes in the sink, and laundry not done.  It's not a cure all, but it does help.

*  50mgs of Zoloft everyday keeps me from having the panic attacks.  I know it seems like I'm using a drug to cover up the problem, but really, the drug helped because although I still feel the anxiety, it's not paralyzing me into a sobbing ball in the corner.  I don't constantly feel like a failure, or like everything I do is wrong.

*  Try to get enough sleep.  I've discovered I really need about 9 hours of sleep a night.  When I don't get that, I have a hard time functioning.  I often don't get it during the week, my average then is about 7 hours.  So what I try to do is go to bed when I'm sleepy.  If that's 9pm, I want to go to bed then, sometimes it's much later.

*  Establish routines.  This helped a lot.  I have set days that I pay bills.  I balance my checkbook weekly.  I have a routine for getting out the door in the morning.  I have a routine for getting through the workday, etc.  I like my routines.  They aren't set in stone, but it does help to have them.  It'll help your son too.  Routines and schedules are a great benefit to kids with ADD and HFA. 

*  I finally just started fixing two things for meals and some items we'll both eat.  It just wasn't worth the headache of trying to get my son to eat what I was eating.  So I might fix rice, which he will eat, but then I might fix me something vaguely Chinese and him chicken nuggets, then we both have bread or some sort of fruit or vegetable.  It cut out the battles over meal times.

*  I'm still working on taming the problems with impatience, saving money, and things like that, but we are getting there slowly, but surely.

I know where you're coming from, GS, and I understand.  Feel free to PM me or post on the board if you want a sympathetic ear.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt


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Re: Result of N parents - anxiety disorder to the Nth degree
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2008, 02:30:22 PM »
GS:  I have said it before and I will say it again...............did we grow up in parallel universes with the same set of circumstances???  I, too, have a wealthy family and my mom gets to "own" all the status etc. that goes with it.  Although they would say that they want me to successful, happy, etc. it is really that she wants to outshine me.  I have been labelled the probelm child with issues of instability..........meanwhile, mommy gets to "save the day" yet again when bailing me out, etc.

So I am with you.  I feel the same way in so many situations.  Like so many times I tried to get another job.  I would sell myself until the very last decision making interview and then I would just kinda deflate...........accept defeat before they even got through with the interview.  My nerves got the best of me.  A downward spiral.  Sound and feel familiar???

As Ami said, the best way out is to verbalize your angst so you can process it and work through it.  We all need to do that.  Talk about it.  Get it out.  Shine the light on the dysfunction (as we do with Trolls!!)  Shining the light on what is wrong is the only way to eradicate the wrongness.  Identifiying the whys behind our self fulfilling prophecies.  And then getting rid of the stupid lies that drive us to self sabotage, etc.

Love to you today.  A very special pat on the back and hugs.  We are gonna make it.  It may take time but we are gonna make it.  I will lose weight.  I will be pretty again.  I will be successful.  I just signed up for a new company which is really ground floor in Iowa.  I plan on being a trail blazer with this company.  I want to find something that makes ME successful.   No more leaning on nmom to help pave the way for me.  I want to be able to help her with a $20 now and then!!!

Dear Kelly and GS,
  You know how I have struggled. I am starting to feel better. I want to tell you some of the things that are helping me. One is knowing that whatever I think or feel is just "human"--not "bad" or "abnormal". My M tricked me in to  believing  that I was "bad". She didn't mean to, but the end result was that I felt I was "bad".
 I am questioning "shame "-- the feeling that I am "bad". I am looking at it--square on--- and questioning what it is "telling me". Is it "true"? Am I "really " bad?
 Also, I am trying to operate from my core in relationships rather than be 'Miss Nice". Miss Nice is there to cover up shame.Miss Nice cannot do or say anything wrong. I am so tired of being Miss Nice. I am trying to be "real" to my core and I feel more "real' as a result.When I am more real, I am less fearful.
 Last(but not least), I am going back to God . I am going back to studying the Bible and all God's plans and promises for us. If we could EVER get how much He loved us, we would be well, overnight. Love is so powerful.
 Thank you Kelly and Gs for your friendship It is much  appreciated .      Love   Ami

PS  The other thing that I am doing now is tolerating people's anger toward me and realizing that I am "still" there after .When s/one is angry at me, it is really a gift b/c my biggest fear was other people's anger. Their anger does not kill me.Imagine that-lol. That is very freeing to me, also.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2008, 02:52:52 PM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Result of N parents - anxiety disorder to the Nth degree
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2008, 03:27:17 PM »
The book that I am reading says that we have to replace the unrisonable thoughts with more resonable thoughts. There are many exercises, writing, talking, etc.

Until this moment, it works when I am at home in peace, reading.

But, when I am in a difficult situation, triggeres, I still feel parlized, cant think, and do foolish things.

I mention this because in cognitive therapy, supposedly, we can replace those thoughts that are causing anxiety. It does not matter if they come from N parents or traumatic events.

Until  this moment, I have not been successful.

GS, if you give it a try it my work for you.

God bless you.