It's not original with me. It's one of Jesus Christ's pithiest. And we ignore it at our peril.
I knew it wasn't your original quote but..... I didn't know it was a 'pithiest.'
Not even sure what that is but..... I got a lot out of your post, Mud.
I used to live my life by the saying..... "do no harm."
That didn't work out too well for me bc my boundaries weren't being enforced properly.
There are thin lines to tread in this life.
Leanring to assert ourselves, say..... with attorney's.... so that they don't slice our throats and serve us up for dinner out of hard feelings and retribution.... is another very thin line we sometimes must tread.
I was told I'd be pitched to the wolves if I upset my attorney, outright, by more than one person. I believe my second attorney said it straight out at our first meeting.
In one case, I believe I actually was served to the wolves, and not for asserting myself. I think my H's lies were responsible for that one.
In the other case..... I danced with the devil and pushed as far as I could before his eyes lit up and his head started spinning

He later told me I was a lot like him and he respected me for standing my ground and taking care of business.... but he also let me know I had to keep him in mind as top dog and not push him too far. Really.... he said I didn't want him as an enemy.... and I was very verry very careful about not making him an enemy... no it would be safer to say I was living in shock and fear of crossing that boundary with him...and I wasn't sure where the boundary lay.
But still..... just telling him what I wanted to do could and was seen as a confrontation and it could have gone very badly for me.
He said most of his female clients came to him without any idea about defending themselves. He had to treat them like children and be their father.... defending them bc they were all...
"whatever will I do?!?!?"
It's a tough spot to find yourself in a position where your attorney is threatening you for advocating for yourself. They have a formula and a pace they move at.... they give the other attorney and judge just as much weight and more consideration than they give their clients. They don't do what's best for you.... they have gentleman club rules they extend to each other that trumps their client's claim to them. It's the truth in my case, if not yours.
High powered attorneys have high powered egos, which can help and hurt us, as well.
It's not like we're out there letting ourselves get pushed around bc we're wet noodles, it's more complicated than that, IMO.
Thanks for trying to give me a stubby leg up, Mud.
I hear ya: )