The world is a busy place and every second counts, so do people. Assertiveness is important and so is the ability to stay cool.
Clarity of thought can only follow after careful consideration of ideas or concepts. As true for the Company as for any individual.
Avoidance of conflicting interests, the use of time and pre thought, all have a part to play in achieving the goal.
[Taken the above from your weblink, Lighter
Thank you.
Love, Leah
This jumped out at me, Leah.... and you're welcome.
The following is a stream of thought stemming from the above in red. (very long..... consider this a warning)
Most probably difficult to follow....... please just skip if it's going to bother you (general.)
I like the idea of skipping things we're likely to spend an entire thread complaining... saves time.
It was suggested to me that hurtful (read that as cruel) words, spoken after the heat of conflict is over..... are akin to first degree murder, as opposed to manslaughter, when the words fly out helter skelter, in the heat of battle.
I didn't understand that but I appreciated the message and, as is my custom, I gave it some thought.
To my mind..... mindful selection of words is imperative if we don't want to be run around like upset children blathering on without making sense, never acheiving any clarity or resolution.
If words are spoken with cruelty, but are nonetheless true..... are they rendered useless?
Because they're not nice?
Is it my job to be empathetic all the time, to everyone, even those who have no empathy for me?
If so, why? (I now realize I just have to appear to follow the rules, it's all about perception)
When I thought it was my job to be empathetic, no matter, that didn't really work too well for me either.
The title mother earth goddess of love and forgiveness nice girl with perfect manners, silent eyes down,
sucks and I'm done with it.
Guess it's no big secret, huh, lol? I thnk I've been toying with giving it up for the last 15 years but so far haven't been able to gracefully reconcile iit, within myself. I'm sure it's not attractive to witness.
Apologies all around. Trying to get from
passive to
assertive and the in between's messy work

I digress....
If my crime is first degree murder..... does manslaughter (words spoken stupidly in the heat of perceived battle) somehow become more valid?
It's true....
I think before I speak.
Guilty as charged, wouldn't think of denying it.
I never thought it was a bad thing to mindfully think through my position and goals then speak, with senses in tact.
I can't even blame frustration...... bc it's not been about that.... it's truly been a learning experience.... an experiment
in communication.The truth, delivered in a cruel fashion, is still the truth? Gift it lovingly couched in words of grace or slap them on the table without mercy.... are they forfieted bc of style? Apparently, as I've learned the hard way, lol.
Why, if we simply dislike the messenger or the message? Are they not words that still deserve consideration? (nope)
I'm sure someelse here, is thinking something similar right now.
Those that live in PM land already have their view and those that look on the board without motive or agenda have theirs..... things won't change after any one post but.....
I want to know..... why is stabbing at the truth with a naked cruel blade in an aggressive fashion
forbidden? (
broke the rules, that's why)
If someone is doing something completely lawless and predatory, (speaking of crimes against children and women now in domestic v situations, theft of inheretance) it's not appropriate to stab the truth with a naked cruel blade in an aggressive fashion?
The answer is, NO, it's not.
There are rules that bind those
who follow rules. Hoops to jump through, papers to be filed, innocent till proven guilty and all that.
Impossible to know who's telling the truth but..... the one telling the truth is compromised in so many ways... esp if children are being threatened behind closed doors to force compliance of the parent who's resisting control.
But the courts can't see what goes on behind closed doors just like the board can;'t see what goes on in PM's.
God forbid people start posting what was said in PM's so it can be judged, without emotion.
What a mess and let me tell you.... it costs a lot, in time, effort and money, to have 3d recorded conversations put on paper so it can be admitted in court.
You have no idea how much and then.... you can't just offer them up when you need them... you have to file papers and wait months for a hearing then get told it's
not that kind of hearing, no evidence will be heard just smoke, mirrors and the truth without any way of knowing who's telling (what which would seem to defeat the purpose to me.) Why not just listen/read the darned transcript and let the cat out of the bag, up front? The rules have a certain cadence.... an order to which they allow information to unfold. ::nod::
Facts don't lie but nobody seems to be interested in the facts. Only
The rules don't apply to rule breakers, in any case.
That much I've figured out. (Gets even more convuluted when the rule breakers have been victimized into their current state of being.)
The rules become bondage for those that would tell the truth, don't like it but it's true.
There's no level playing field when dealing with lies, distortions and hysterical finger pointing that distracts beyond the issues at hand.
It's terribly apparent when the rule follower stops following the rules..... stands out like a bloody nosed bride in a white wedding gown.... and there stands the groom, all dapper and wide eyed..... pointing at her in his dark suit, showing no small dots of blood that are there, but hidden.
Nobody saw him slap her, hidden behind a closed door but.... he's telling everyone she's a chronic nose picker who eats boogers and she's horrified ,
darnit, she sure looks guilty.

There is blood all over her gown..... and she desperately wants it NOT to be there, after all. She wants the cause to go away and the groom keeps telling her that she's the cause and she made him do it.
Who responds to crazy accusations like that and manages to look levelheaded, anyway? We feel quite guilty for finding ourselves in a position that compromised in the first place.... and then...
alas.... her mother did see her go through a booger eating phase when she was 5yo..... how awful she never got over it?
And so it goes.... mostly bc the victim spent so much time protecting the liar in the past.
Who's going to believe her now?
Highly improbable that he's been hitting her.... she's never mentioned a word and now there's this.....
::wrinkling up nose::
blood. On her. She certainly
looks like the problem.
When the rule breaker's habits are consistently fogging up the road..... they somehow end up flying on a path that's under the wire.... undetectable.
If the person following the rules veers off..... they're more culpable? Any gain they've managed is lost bc they've taken up a weapon that's not pleasing or attractive, no matter how effective it is.
Break the rules, lose the battle. Reminds me of something very funny Sam kennison said, when he was alive and ranting. Never mind.
stealth breaking of rules gets by bc it's..... well,
stealthy, lol!
I can't argue with that and life isn't fair, just like mama said.
Heck no..... a fact's a fact.
God I hate it when the truth is dismissed, though.
Hard to just walk by it.... and let it sink. Focus on the next go round and let it go.
People's emotions are a very poor indicator of the truth, IMO.
I much prefer facts, even if they're unnatractively packaged or delivered without a head.
I suppose it goes back to the good ol boy system..... decisions made over lunch and drinks.... on the golfcourse.... in PM's....
while the opposing litigant, team or poster is bound to be dismissed, no matter what actions they take or have taken. Oh well.
In which case, the phrase...."living well is the best revenge" comes to mind: /
There will be pieces left when all is said and done.... over.
Hopefully, anyway.
Some posters here have picked up the pieces of their lives after battling child abusing monsters...... my hat off to them. It wasn't easy. They have wisdom to share with us all. I hope we/I can listen.
It's unfamiliar territory, this open battlefield carried out in covert fog, under the wire..... and the rules don't apply to anyone but you (general.)

Best get used to it and keep trudging.
What does Mud always say? Sly as a serpent..... harmless as a dove?
But that's a game played by everyone, isn't it?
Maybe I just suck at games but still have to learn to be a master at them, nonetheless?
And this is my last painful fist waving refusal to accept the flawed rules...... accept that life really is just a game, as my husband always told me it was?
Stunning news when I heard it the first time, surely he didn't mean that!?!?.
There are children involved for GOD'S SAKE! Ummm..... the second time I heard it..... it became apparent that it is a game....
to some.......
If not to me..
The third time I heard it..... I realized that it's not just a game.... it's
chess and a very advanced level.
I don't catch on very quickly.... a fairly simple soul.
The fouth time I heard it...... I was spitting out teeth and blood (figuratively) in court and wondering what the hell Margo was going to do about manufactured evidence and a couple of very well told lies
my own attorney believed.
Then, Margo was battling more reflections than she could focus on at once.....picking up teeth (dignity) and still trying to keep her children's lives on track.... protected.... remembering to check back with the jewler to see how much her wedding ring will bring so she can pay her children's school bill that her own attorney said H isn't obligated to pay, even though he has every penny of our money, and she's living off the end of her very good credit.
God I hate circus music but it was playing very fast and the balls were in the air, like it or not.... keep juggling keep juggling and darn, wish I had some time and attention to make a better plan but I've been rocked back on my heels and this is where I live, caring for wee ones while H has all the time in the world to plan and carry it out.
Darn. Anyway.... if I've posted as other posters.... it was bc my husband followed me here, twice. In the heat of battle. Doesn't matter now, he knows who I'm posting under anyway. Much tricksier than I, he is.
I can understand the confusion I've caused by sharing my story and identity with only a few.
It's true, I have caused confusion.
No denying that.
Guilty as charged.... just not always good to assume, not that there wasn't any help with making that assumption.
Uh uh uh..... no making assumptions, LIGHTER! Heh. Sometimes I have to give myself a very sturdy talking to.
Hops has always known who I am, she's kept up with my story.... not everyone has been privy and I can't fault certain posters for assuming I'm playing games with evil intentions aimed at the board.
I see how that happened.
Was afraid my lack of speaking freely about my situation would cause some troubles.
I apologize for that now.
My only other choice was to give up the support I found on the board, couldn't bring myself to do that.
I don't have much trouble just saying what I have to say..... but it's interesting to be accused of having sock puppet accounts.... like I'd need them to say how I really feel, lol.
now that's ironic but it would be interesting to see who really does post that way.
Doc G knows.... it's not entirely secret, is it?
When the wicked (general, pick any one that comes to mind) aren't obligated to follow the rules, as long as they fly low enough under the wire...... then it's pretty much a game of
surviving them. There isn't any winning for those that follow the rules.
I see how things can spiral out of control if someone doesn't exercise some stoic restraint. Not much trouble figuringout who the only candidate for that's going to be.
If court was truly a fact finding mission, with a lie detector attached to every litigant, and their attorney, that would make more sense..... maybe not be less of a game but, I sure don't like the way it's played now.
Couldn't be any less effective way of determining outcomes than controlling the judges emotions by telling the better story, and hoping you caught him on a good day.

Hired an attorney he plays golf with, etc.
Lordy Loo.... so much riding on a strangers unhappy participation. They don't want to be involved in property disputes and divorce.... they punish everyone and they say that up front
In the meantime, someone else is struggling with having taken a stand on the board.
Can't fault them for that....but it's easy to judge their efforts, isn't it?
And I prefer the light of the board to what I consider somewhat dubiouse other lives in PM's, but that's just me.
Takes the spotlight off what they're pointing at, in any case.
Welcome to the party.
Not very satisfying.
::shaking head::