OC, CB, Lea, CH, Ami.
All of you said something important.
I always recieve support here.
If you see (you will say, comparisosns are not good) most posters say:
Such and such, thank you for your response...... bla bla.... I dont think you.......bla bla....etc.
Some people are polite enough to say your name, and comment about your comment.
I do not post very much in others problems because most of the times, not all, they go through the thread thanking and answering, many times my posy is totally igonred. As it did not exist.
It happen to me all my life in my family and my first work in USA in a little little town, where no minorities were working, I was the only hispanic, no african-americans, no other races, poeple sat at the table and if I said something, it was like I did not exist. If they said something to me and I did not anwser they got mad at me and accused me of disrespectful and impolite. They did not even answer a good morning. The clicks.
Even in the school where I work now, there is a stron click inpossible to penetrate. They believe and act as if they were superior.
That is part of human. Just I do not know how to handle it.
It exists in animals, in monkies, dogs in packs, wolves, all animals, as humans, behave in one way alone and in other way in group.
But there must be something we did not learn that we cant succeed in groups. I cant.
Something is missing.