For people sick of my asking the same question in different forms, I am sorry. I get closer and closer to putting the truth of it in my heart,but it is slow.
I feel so guilty for my thoughts. I feel like my thoughts make me a good or bad person. Since I can't "control" what does come in my head,if 'bad ' thoughts come in, I feel like I am a "bad" person.
I can't seem to get it,in my heart, that the thoughts do not define who you are as a person, but your actions do. I seem to be stuck, here. I am getting better ,but it is slow,b/c my M brainwashed me to think that anything less than 'perfect" made me "bad'.
Can anyone relate? Sorry, again, for the same question. I just can't seem to close the door on it b/c I was brainwashed so deeply, I think. Ami