Dear Lollie,
Thank you so much for sharing your personal life experience with No Contact and Limited Contact.
I can resonate with your father demanding a choice and blameshifting/projecting onto your mother, in a 'divide and rule' manner, as my father has done exactly the same. Always, "your mother did this or that" and "if I had not have married your mother I would have been a better man."
Limited Contact with N father and some interesting telephone power games thay he played, manipulation and control during last year in particular.
My NPPD mother is a long long story. No Contact for almost two years now -- which has positively changed my life, to the good.
Both my father and my mother know that they have my forgiveness, yet, they chose to abuse my forgiveness, however, I am not concerned about that, it has been freely given. Now, the responsibility is theirs to own, and theirs alone.
All of this is sad and true. Likewise, I feel as if I have to be guarded about what I say to whosoever I am in the company of, in a social or church life setting. Church is the most difficult for me personally.
Truly, it is only here that one can be free to voice ones life experience in the disordered lane of life.
I do so resonate with the frustration regarding thoughts of having to explain oneself.
Yes, likewise, personally, I am okay with the No Contact, as I truly do believe that God is okay with it and has actually led me to the place of understanding, regarding No Contact.
However, with the ones who are
not enlightened ...... it's no easy thing to live in their midst.
As Seasons and Axa have both kindly, and astutely, highlighted ..... they have no understanding or awareness of disordered people
...... which is exactly where I walked for the most part of my life!
So, seems like that unless they spend an inordinate time studying the subject, then they are not going to 'get it.' Doubt very much if they would relish the thought of reading through my bookshelf, have already caught a few raised eyebrows at the subject titles

Personally, I now feel that the best that I can do is to work toward letting this go, and in doing so, retaining the peace and deep joy and contentment, that God has given me, with regard to NC and also LC.
Holding fast to the deep joy and peace that I have within my heart, of which, I am truly grateful, and not letting anything or anyone take it away from me.
Love, Leah
PS > For my homework, I think that I need to work on some simple sentences to use, as and when appropriate