Leah, That story you described about hiding from the lady is SO much like me!!
I can express boundaries in calm, polite, way, but I'm not very good of dealing with them being ignored or having to get `tougher'. I get so churned up, it almost feels as though its not worth the effort. But I guess I've got think about this in the long term sense huh?
I think what I'm going to try is saying something like: `Look, T, I am sorry if I didn't make it clear enough before, but i really need you to call before dropping in. I don't have time for you now. Bye. Please call next time'.
I wish I thought to give her fake phone number doh!!!
Oh, Bella,
I used to get into an awful tummy churning state. The lady peered into the window as I was lying on the floor squashed up against the wall under the sill, I can laugh now, but way back then, it was no laughing situation.
Now, it's just my knees that go wobbly, inside, when asserting myself.
I think what I'm going to try is saying something like: `Look, T, I am sorry if I didn't make it clear enough before, but i really need you to call before dropping in. I don't have time for you now. Bye. Please call next time'..... saying that you may not have made it clear enough the last time, is respectfully diplomatic. I would go with that.
You are doing the right thing, as I discern that she may well have plan to take root in your life. If that is something you do not want, then, it is best, for you, to nip it in the bud now.
You are responsible for you alone in this situation.
Will be thinking of you.
Love, Leah