A thread that Gabben started this week triggered me, and I have been trying to understand my feelings, and how to express them. I wonder if some of you can relate?
I don't know about the rest of you, but the abuse in my family is not `behind me'. It continues in the form of my mother's continued and escalating abuse of my father, and in the form of my sisters raising their children abusively.
Now, I have long learned to mind my own business. I don't criticise my family because it's never `heard' and all it does is cause tensions. So I have become a `silent witness' to abuse that I regard as frightening, sad, and awful. Its probably worse because my comprehension of what is unfolding before me is becoming more clear as each year passes.
I deal with it by distancing myself from my family, and becoming less and less involved with my mother, sisters, and their children. Its sometimes feels anguishing, for want of a better word. I love my nephews and nieces, and we were so close when they were younger. But I don't know how to handle being close to an abusive mother and watch the children raised that way.
Its like the `ostrich' approach to things and I don't like myself for doing it. I almost feel ashamed of having such knowledge , and doing nothing. I wish I could speak up, help out. But I am powerless. I don't think I've ever really been ok with that.
Just last week, for example, I was chatting to one of my sisters about her `evil' child. Now when he was younger, my sister would report her pride in him for being so smart and inquisitive, and glib. She would say `this one is going to be a lawyer'.
This was until he started to question her Catholic faith. He blurted out during amass once `that is not Jesus's blood!' . And from then on, he has been labelled `the evil child' and he has been harshly disciplined for questioning, for basically thinking his own thoughts.
I have since learned a lot about the term `intellectual abuse' and the consequences for the abused child, when he becomes an adult. So I'm watching my nephew be `intellectually abused', and it feels very bad.
last week, my sister said she is taking that son out of school (a strict catholic school) and will home school him for two years (so he will not be exposed to female students or `other' ideas via classmates). She is not a teacher!! Its all about brainwashing the poor child! As soon as he is the right age, he will sent to `priest school' in aother part of Australia.
So at ten, she has decided his career for him, and is isolating him from all other possibilities. There is a lot more to the abuse than this, but its what annoys me right now the most.
So i guess my question to all; what is your `stance' on witnessing abuse? How do you make your peace with that stance?
X bella