Author Topic: Re: Lollie's story  (Read 1059 times)


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Re: Lollie's story
« on: January 11, 2008, 08:51:42 AM »
Lollie, it was very eye-opening and a reminder to me, to read about how "right on cue" you became depressed from being so closely knit with your Npd mother.

First of all, I had an NPD mentor for about 2 years who I felt very knit to.  She very much WAS a mother-figure to me, and, in some ways, reminded me of my bio mother.  I DO understand about feeling depressed from such a tie with an NPD female.  Even now, I have to admit, when I see her online, my heart beats fast and I fight off wanting to connect with her.

I also have a daughter who might be NPD; at least she has a lot of the traits of it.  She is 18, pregnant, and very cold toward me.  She will sit for hours and talk to her father, but if I come and try to be part of the conversation or if I even try to HAVE a convo with her, I will be met with a snotty attitude.  The thing is, my daughter's coldness flips either every few days or throughout some days.  It is rather unpredictable as far as in general, however, I've been charting her, and around certain dates, she is guaranteed to flip back into Mr Hyde again.

The thing is, when she got pregnant by her 16 year old boyfriend, I was very understanding and kind.  I was interested in the baby and her feelings, but when I'd even try to talk to her, she would turn to her father and say "mom is more into this pregnancy than I am.  You'd think it was HER that was pregnant!"  Later, she told me "you're just jealous of me, cause I have a hot guy and I'm pregnant!"  Finally, I stopped asking or showing interest because I was sick of being kicked in the teeth, and she said "you are no kind of mother to me!  You don't even CARE about your grandchild!"  No matter what, my daughter stays very close to her father and snaps at me no matter how kind I am to her (on her "down" days, that is, which are most of the month)

i have always thought my daughter needed counseling and at one point I took her, around 3 or 4 years old, to learn how to manage her physically violent anger episodes.  As she got older, I wanted to put her back into counseling, but her father would not make her go and told her that.  The whole family was instructed to see me as mentally ill and all "into labeling people and counseling."  Counseling was/is seen as a weakness in this family by the rest of them, whereas, I see a definite NEED for it.

I have come to a place that I realize my husband is mentally ill and our children all show signs of it as well in some forms.

On my side of the family, there were the problems with cancer, heart murmurs and depression, on my husband's side there is mental illness, not mood disorders, but delusional thinking, narcissism, borderline issues.  All of his family sort of lives in a La La Land.  It's very frustrating being married to someone with those problems, but I grew up with it, so I naturally gravitated toward the "familiar" without realizing it till years later.



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Re: Lollie's story
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2008, 12:32:27 PM »

Wow, I log in and there at 2 threads about my story today. I feel so special.  :)

That's because you are!   :)
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: Lollie's story
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2008, 12:48:45 PM »

My husband and I have tried it all, but he goes right back into his childlike state every time and then doesn't want to keep going to counseling.  That is where we are at now again.  Counseling really doesn't do much good for any length of time with him.  In order to fully restore our marriage it will take a miracle of God or it would take us leaving the children and going off to be just the two of us, like it was for marriage weekend.  It seems that he is too able to put all his allegiances into the children and say "screw my wife, I have the kids."  He actually admitted to me at one point that he'd give up our marriage if that was the only way he could have a relationship with the grandchild.

This marriage is starting to mean very little to him anymore, other than a pretense of having one.  This stuff is very similar to his own background...a father who molested both daughters, turned one daughter into a pseudo wife because his own wife would not meet his sexual needs, and transferring feelings from wife onto daughter.  I realize some people here think I'm NUTS when I talk about him committing emotional adultery with my daughter, but honestly, that is what it is when he puts all his focus into her and then says he would give up his marriage if it meant being/not being a grandfather, which is why he lets Anna talk to me/treat me however she wants.  He gets really protective/possessive around pregnant family members...almost handles them with kid gloves and make excuses for everything the woman does.   A lot has to do with his past in that too, as I'm finding out.

Lollie, you said:
Can you imagine all the energy it takes to kill or stuff all of these pieces of yourself and keep them hidden and quiet?

YES, I had to do this while I was at X's house and now I have to do it in my own home, since my husband and children will not allow me to talk about anything of an emotional origin, nor will they discuss anything about people's character at all.  Everything they talk about or allow to be talked about (meaning not blasting you if you say something emotional/character-wise), is SURFACE stuff only.

If I even attempt to address any family issues that are emotional, I am quickly shut down by all 3 of them.