Dear Laura,
Just a thought, as we are asked to post responses to the Life Stories on the Life Story Board as a new thread/add to an ongoing thread
or whatever, here on the main board.
As Dr G will then have to work at moving the response over onto here, the main board, as another thread etc.
Just thought I would mention, as I get confused, and maybe other's will too.
As per the 2 extra threads for Bones yesterday, in addition to Bones ongoing life story thread.
Just a thought. compost if you wish to

Regarding my thread on 'filter' ---- I deleted it ----- as I felt it may be upsetting for some readers, Guests reading, and/or, members.
As was thinking of you, as you asked me for more info, and so, I am more than happy to copy and paste my writings and illustration
(to the best of my reading and understanding of 'filter' from the book that my friend has kindly lent to me) from my Word.doc to a PM
and send to you, just let me know if you would like me to do that, as I said, I am more than happy to do this.
Love, Leah