I much later learned of the common meaning of the term catspaw, but even then, I found it to be appropriate in some ways. I
the recent past, I learned of the tale of the monkey duping the cat into pulling chesnuts out of the fire.
At a later time, I would very much like to detail my chosen name. The main aspect is a literal cat's paw, the second is a carpenter's
tool, and the third- if I recall - is a small breeze.
The tribe, and Amazons, refers to some ways of speaking that lighter started quite some time ago. Other board members have
joined in at times to use this enjoyable imagery. If I recall, lighter and changing also engaged in an amusing bard-like discourse at
one point.
I'm glad you asked, bean. As far as the common meaning, I was always trying to pull my mom out of the fire, but I know that
when I was born, she did not intentionally set out to have me scoop nuts out of the fire just so my paw would get burned.
The constant low-burning fire has nothing to do with the tale of the monkey and the cat, however.
lighter, Carolyn, Hops, seasons- thank you. All are welcome at mid May.
Again, bean- I'm glad you asked- and I hope to speak with you again on the board.
Oh- and congratulations on your engagement ! I've been meaning to add that to things I want to say as I try to remember the
recent life events of some of the board members.
cats paw