Dear Laura,
Your defensive posting does not upset me in the slightest, and should my name be entered onto your list of those with whom you will not be posting in the future, then, so be it. For that is your freedom of choice.
As for moving to a country of war and living under fire, that is one of my own past life experiences, of which, I would never ever suggest to anyone, as a voice of defense.
Ever mindful of those who have lost someone dear to them in times of war and troubles.
This has all gone way too far...people's N and BPD and other disorders are showing through at me loud and may be time for me to take action.
Finally, I would never entertain the idea of sending out a message of untrained unqualified diagnosis that there are people on the board who may have a personality disorder. As you have done in this thread post, and as you have been part of, previously, in a gathering in an agreement to a cause, of which, I know not the reason why.
The result of which, caused those with anxiety, much distress.
All of which does not bode well, for you, as a person, in truth, quite the opposite.
Wondering, now, if this is your experience on all the other Chat Forums, of which, you have shared your angst.
Standing back from ones emotions is best way to be, with humility, if possible.
Believe me, from my own personal life experience to date, I know the difference. Falling off a high horse hurts.
May the Lord whom we both love and serve, guide you, with His peace, wisdom and understanding. He is my only source of refuge.
Love, Leah