found this website to be excellent, and indeed have recommended it many times to others in the past.
The artices written by Dr. Carver are truly eye-openers. A lot of useful information here.
"The Mystery of Loving an Abuser"
"As a follow-up article to Identifying Losers in Relationships, this article addresses the psychological connection that often develops between abusers/controllers and their victims. It offers practical advice for families and friends of victims who on the surface appear unwilling to leave their abusive or controlling relationships."
"Identifying Losers, Controllers and Abusers in Relationships"
"Over the years, this has been my most popular article. The article offers twenty signs of an abusive, controlling, and manipulative individual. The "Loser" may be a spouse, romantic partner, parent, sibling, or friend. The article helps not only identify these individuals, but offers suggestions on detaching from abusers/controller and reclaiming your life. "