Lupine, as I said, as long as people ask me things, I will answer, as I prefer to answer for myself.
Lupine: I never thought you "beat" your child.
It was implied in the way people posted about it. It was a quick snap with a damp towel. Nothing more, nothing less. Most people counseled me to beat her a**. Obviously I did not agree nor put that plan into action. What I DID do was figure "ok, I've tried everything else...maybe if I take charge here, she will stop trying to intimidate me and realize i mean business." It is not something I do regularly nor something I planned to continue. It was an "hey, let me see if getting TOUGH will get THROUGH to her.
I was simply astounded by the anger that caused you to hit her
You might not be so astounded if you met her, although she wouldn't likely show that side of herself to you.
And now to see that there was an intervention in the past?
If you are talking about the daughter that was 2 when I was 22, that was my ELDEST who is now 22 herself. It had nothing to do with Anna.
What has changed in your life since then?
Well, 20 years of marriage have passed, I've gone to many churches, gone to college...what do you mean, what has CHANGED? It's not even the same daughter you are talking about I don't think.
Sometimes, we are just so used to being angry that it seems normal.
Feeling angry when provoked to it IS very normal. It is not healthy to act like everything is ok when it's not. Right now, between you and me, it's NOT.
And you keep telling us about your daughter's and husband's shortcomings as an explanation as to why you behave badly.
And I think most of the people have told about their family's shortcomings as having an effect on THEIR behavior? What is your point. That's what this board is FOR.
AND, then, poor God is thrown into the equation to justify how you are just alright, thank you very much.
In the parts that I yielded to him, I AM just alright; excellent in fact.
. When you hit anyone or defame your family, there is a real problem.
Then I guess you won't ever be posting again. Don't tell us anything bad about the N's in your household, since that would be defaming them. I already explained the "hit" thing.
. What do you suppose your eight year old is learning from all of this anger?
My 8 year old and I are kewl. The 13 year old and i are cool until N daughter gets ahold of her and together they start on the warpath against me.
Have you looked forward into her future?
Her future is extremely bright. She is a talkative, social butterfly, loved by many.