Well I'm sorry I didn't reply earlier Michelle - I've been so busy studying and getting on with things!
Wel I must admit the outcome of that was a little strange. I had one session with my school counsellor, very bluntly asked her how much did she know about this personality disorder and how could she help me. She admitted she knew very little and so she gave me a name of a counsellor in my area. But it didn't work out very well because there is no way I can afford counselling sessions because I don't work and I can't go without Mum finding out! I don't plan on lying where I am for a few hours to her... So yeah that wasn't the best option.
This school counsellor also told me that there was another school mother who had a husband with the same disorder and that she would get in contact with her and perhaps we could have a meeting together and sort of share our experiences.
Well, that was almost 6 weeks ago. I was on holidays for 3 weeks and now I've been back at school for 2 weeks. She hasn't contacted me, although she has seen me around the school I'm sure, she hasn't asked me how I'm going or coping with exams and frankly, she has been quite unhelpful!
But I was starting to think that maybe that was God telling me to rely on Him more and that I didn't need this counsellor! I've been able to tell my two closest friends the situation...and although it was very hard and painful to open up, they were very understanding and supportive. So that has been a world of help and I'm feeling quite...content!
We had a bit of a scare two days ago - when Dad was called up by management for another meeting at his work and we thought that maybe he was going to lose his job. He's been in a bit of trouble at work lately because he keeps complaining about other workers in the company, saying that they're not doing their job properly etc. Mum was really annoyed with Dad, basically pleading for him to just keep quiet and put his head down and work and be content with the fact that he's getting paid and that's what matters! Dad is insisting that he's going to quiet his job - which would instantly mean Mum and I probably living in an appartment whilst Dad goes back to Western Australia and lives there....
But yes - God put His hand over the situation and Dad didn't lose his job! Let's just hope that nothing happens in the next few months! I'm learning to see things from new perspectives - that I should be as optimistic as possible, willing to learn from all circumstances and embrace all opportunities for me to grow as a person and develop character and perseverence. It's quite a blessing really for me to be going through these hardships because I know I will be blessed for it and come out the other end as a much stronger person in Him!
Thanks for your care Michelle,
Talk soon!