In response to emptie I decided to post the following. Men are not very behind in the curelty. Since the beginning of humanhood. Warriors had to prove their manhood wioth their own life. Many tribes do circumsicion with rusted twisted metal and the put hot peopper in the wound and they have to walk several miles after that. I saw a deocumantary of some tribes that made anous an rectal dilatation of one of thier boys since they were very little so they become homosexual, "according to them", and they took care of the parents when they were old, and that little boy was choses by the parents and usually was the youngest one. Men die more than women, men comite more suicide than women, men live less than women, why is that? I do believe that men's life is harder, many times they have to be the only bread winner, they have to be the strong, many times they are not, they have to prove to society who they are, in Japan many men have to do harakiri, so, men's life is very difficult.
I do believe that life is hard for all of us, and I have a dream that one day we are all equal no matter the sex, and that marriage is 50-50 and realtionship is 50-50, and I dont know what.
This was my tow cents, if you disagree, it is OK, I am going to the movies with my beloved son and I wont be here to see if you want to hit me. LOL.