Author Topic: a hermit?  (Read 7489 times)


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Re: a hermit?
« Reply #45 on: January 26, 2008, 08:48:35 PM »
LOL Hermes, that was directed to CH. She said she had a good marriage but when I told her that she would feel comfortable she said that I did not know her situation and that she had a distresful husband. That is why I said that.

And I do believe that if we put our eyes on a man based on Prverbs 1:7, we would have perfect marriages. That is why I have stayed alone for so many years.

Are you still married?

Certain Hope

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Re: a hermit?
« Reply #46 on: January 26, 2008, 09:07:10 PM »
LOL Hermes, that was directed to CH. She said she had a good marriage but when I told her that she would feel comfortable she said that I did not know her situation and that she had a distresful husband. That is why I said that.

And I do believe that if we put our eyes on a man based on Prverbs 1:7, we would have perfect marriages. That is why I have stayed alone for so many years.

Are you still married?


I really don't want to quote myself from my previous post on this thread, but neither do I want to leave this misunderstanding unaddressed, so...
I'll just interject:

Just for the record, I did not say that I have a distressful husband.
In addition, I don't believe there is any such thing as a "perfect marriage".
All marriages are work and if a person cannot be distress-free on her own, she is surely not going to find less than distress when married... lol.

On occasion, I do have distressful issues, situations, and problems within my own heart and mind, and some of those are due to the differences between my husband and myself. That does not translate to him being a distressful person. If anything, I'm the distressful one... lol. Anyhow, I will try to speak/type more clearly from now on...  whew.



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Re: a hermit?
« Reply #47 on: January 26, 2008, 09:37:24 PM »
many of his ways have been quite extremely distressing to me

This is what I read from you. If I misunderstood it I am sorry. Probably is the language barrier. But I understood when you siad that your situation was not good, that is what I understood.

I am happy for you that I was mistaken. It does not make any difference for my self, just the satisfaction to know that my friend CH is doing fine. And that is why I told you that you must feel more comfortable knowing that if you lose your job, you have another salary to back you up, it must be comforting.

Izzi, I did not see your post before. Sorry.

Welcome to the club.....LOL

Certain Hope

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Re: a hermit?
« Reply #48 on: January 26, 2008, 09:54:42 PM »
Thanks, Lupita. I do think that there is a communication barrier, but it's probably because I'm not taking the time to thoroughly explain my meaning.  Part of the reason that I got a job, Lupita, is because I am not able to rely on my husband's income. I trust that God will provide for my family, as He always has, but my husband's earning capacity is not much of a factor in my sense of security  :?  For that reason, it's difficult me to admit to any particular comfort level in not being alone... really very difficult. Clearly, this is an area which I need to examine more closely with God's help.
Also I know that another reason for my lack of clarity here is probably because I am well aware of the fact that I was in a very bad place emotionally when I married my husband 3 1/2 years ago and so I did not make sensible choices. That awareness makes my daily walk through this marriage a bit of an obstacle course... and far from ideal. Again, comfortable and secure are adjectives which just do not suit my current frame of mind or feelings... and that's something which is solely my responsibility, I believe... to deal with between God and myself.

Anyhow, thanks for your saying that you're glad to know I'm fine, Lupita... and for referring to me as your friend. That makes me smile. I hope that this has made some sense.


P.S. to Izzy...    :D  @  "hermitessing"   ~ ~ ~  yeah!


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Re: a hermit?
« Reply #49 on: January 26, 2008, 10:16:14 PM »
You see, my husband is a very... busy-minded, easily distracted, self-absorbed person in many ways. Maybe attention-deficit or manic, I don't know... but many of his ways have been quite extremely distressing to me and required a great deal of prayer and adjustment on my part.

Hi CH, no, it does not make any sense to me, but it does not make any difference, either. The most important thing is that you are fine, that he is not distressful, and that you feel glad you have found him or that you feel that God brought him to you. I disagree, but, again, it is not important.

For me, the point was that you were giving me a speech (or I felt that you were) on what I was worrying too much and I said that because I am alone and have no husband and no back up salary, and then, it came out the rest.

I just get upset when I am told what to do but I am not allowed to tell what to do to the other person. I like it to be a two ways. If somebody tells me what to do I want to be able to tell that person what to do too. I wish I was not critized when I complain or whine or becauase of my worries as if the others dont have worries.

And I am glad because I think I am starting for the first time to assert my self. I am very glad. Very glad that you are happu in your marriage.

I wish I found a good man. Like they say a good man is hard to find. And I refuse to get involved with a drunk or an addict or an irresponsible immature, unrelyable, I will not get involved just out of lonelinees or weaness. The worst part was rasing my son alone, and I survived that. seventeen years alone. I do not need a man that will become in to my son. LOL

Well Izz sorry again.

Fortunately, tomorrow I will be busy all day and will not post, wont have time. Play in church, practice for that before, one hour driving going and coming back, lunch with my son, salsa lesson, whew!!!!!!!

Lolli says that I come here for validation, lol, and then Lea thought I was validated, lol.


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Re: a hermit?
« Reply #50 on: January 26, 2008, 10:21:09 PM »
I hear you Lupine. What do you do at your school? Do you own the school or you work for the school? Are you a teacher?


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Re: a hermit?
« Reply #51 on: January 26, 2008, 10:34:24 PM »
Dear Carolyn,
  I would like to ask you a question.If it is too personal, please ,just ignore it.
  What was your thinking when you married your current H? Did you do it too fast? Did you have needs that you wanted him to fill that no person could ?  I would appreciate your views,if you care to share them.
  You seem like you have "regrets' and I know that for Bible believers 'divorce" is a harder issue than for others(perhaps).
  Anyway, compost the WHOLE  damn thing,if you want to(lol)     Love,      Ami
« Last Edit: January 26, 2008, 10:45:19 PM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung