You see, my husband is a very... busy-minded, easily distracted, self-absorbed person in many ways. Maybe attention-deficit or manic, I don't know... but many of his ways have been quite extremely distressing to me and required a great deal of prayer and adjustment on my part.
Hi CH, no, it does not make any sense to me, but it does not make any difference, either. The most important thing is that you are fine, that he is not distressful, and that you feel glad you have found him or that you feel that God brought him to you. I disagree, but, again, it is not important.
For me, the point was that you were giving me a speech (or I felt that you were) on what I was worrying too much and I said that because I am alone and have no husband and no back up salary, and then, it came out the rest.
I just get upset when I am told what to do but I am not allowed to tell what to do to the other person. I like it to be a two ways. If somebody tells me what to do I want to be able to tell that person what to do too. I wish I was not critized when I complain or whine or becauase of my worries as if the others dont have worries.
And I am glad because I think I am starting for the first time to assert my self. I am very glad. Very glad that you are happu in your marriage.
I wish I found a good man. Like they say a good man is hard to find. And I refuse to get involved with a drunk or an addict or an irresponsible immature, unrelyable, I will not get involved just out of lonelinees or weaness. The worst part was rasing my son alone, and I survived that. seventeen years alone. I do not need a man that will become in to my son. LOL
Well Izz sorry again.
Fortunately, tomorrow I will be busy all day and will not post, wont have time. Play in church, practice for that before, one hour driving going and coming back, lunch with my son, salsa lesson, whew!!!!!!!
Lolli says that I come here for validation, lol, and then Lea thought I was validated, lol.