Dear Lupita,
Guess I'm a hermit, in many ways... a very solitary person, and a homebody - - meaning, I like to stay at home, mostly... no strong urges to be out doing and running... and so
it doesn't bother me that I don't have many evening activities, or outings on the weekends, because I always find things to do and time flies by. Right now my life is changing so fast, with new discoveries about myself and others, too... but I still think that my own natural inclination is to be a hermit-ish person... maybe? That's okay though, right?
When I was not working outside of my home, I did feel badly about being away from people so much... afraid that I did not have the skills to interact well... and felt lonely at times, too. Doesn't take alot of people to ease the lonliness, though...
even just one good, healthy, successful interaction can make a world of difference, for me. Sometimes that happens at the checkout line at the grocery store... I guess it doesn't take much, when you're as starved as I was for human contact.
Be patient with yourself, dear Lupita... I think that you have made some major accomplishments and steps into good health.
It'll be alright.
P.S. on edit - - I forgot to tell you... I was very interested to read the definition you've given here of hermits and anchorites...
and, about the cell phone example - - I would just follow the rules as the school has established them and take the cell phone for the day (with a smile) - - and hopefully the kids will get tired of needing to come back and reclaim their phones. If nothing else, you will earn their respect for abiding by the rules (whether they let you know that or not, they WILL respect you for it) and especially they will appreciate that you smile while enforcing those rules! This I know.