I just wanted to add that there is very little that can surprise me, and I do BELIEVE that these utterly outlandish situations actually take place. Before meeting and marrying exNH I might not have believeed a lot of things. Now I DO!
A quick story (I don't think this woman will ever be on this board so I can tell this story).
She lives a bit away from me, is a friend or rather an acquaintance.
Married young, six children, husband left her for A MAN. (yes you are all reading correctly!) . Left her high and dry, literally. Judge could not get any maintenance out of him as he was a man of straw, unemployed (supposedly). So, talk of the frying pan and the fire, she gets involved with her brother in law (yes, her husband's brother), they live together. He is equally abusive. An example: he tears out all the clothes, children's clothes etc. from the airing cupboard, throws them on the landing and on the stairs, and then tramples on them, telling her she is "untidy_". This is just one of many many incidents.
I had not seen her for a while, till recently, and she calls to tell me she is pregnant (sheis in her forties), by her brother in law. Yes!
Why has she done this? I know, even if she does not tell me. It is to secure the house in which she lives with b-in-l. Because he was going to put her out, even though she contributed to mortgage payments, furniture etc. So having a child with him, means he cannot put her out, and the house will be eventually for the child. Extraordinary. Could I also mention she has lymphoma. Serious. Yes!! Very.
All the best