Glad you put this here, GS...wasn't sure if you wanted comment on the other thread or to have it as more of a jouranling space.
I wanted to say:
How about enjoying each mole whack?
Feeling the strength in your arms as you raise the sledgehammer, noticing the fresh air on your cheek, noticing the way the air displaced by the hammer as you lower it even creates a little breeze, and uttering a happy GRUNT! with effort each time you feel that satisfying Whack!, and that particular mole sits down hard with a headache...
Maybe staying in the present with each task and examing the sensory reality of the task as you do it, would help?
Sure, there The List. But you can make checking off each thing a separate experience. All on its own. Not ruminting on how long the list is, so much as enjoying that rhythm of whack, check off, whack, check off.
Building a slow rhythm to that activity that advances you toward your goals like the tide coming in.
(Hope that isn't all too indulgent on my part...)