Dear Lise,
I am very sorry to know that you are feeling angry. Any anger that you may or may not be feeling, please remember, that that emotion belongs to you, as the owner of that feeling, emotion.
I have been engaged on the board, on and off, for a time today, whereas, you have just signed onto the board, I believe.
I am not feeling angry, not at all, sorry, if that upsets you in anyway, to know that I am not angry.
Please refrain from labelling me, incorrectly, as feeling angry, as truly, I am not.
I have felt peace today, with precious answers, that I have sought during the last few days, after that lady imparted her words to me, in REAL LIFE.
Please know that my life is not centred around the VESMB board. Which may be a surprise, or not.
This board is about people, in REAL LIFE who are members, and who sign onto the board, to express, their situations, past and /or present, of how they are feeling, how an experience has affected them in some way etc etc., what they are working through.
All to express their own voice, and thoughts, questions, answers, etc etc.
Surprised, that you have forgotton my thread, which I had written that I was sitting with and working on, the day before yesterday,
which I have posted about the lady, onto the Shame Dumping thread, which incidently, i had started that thread weeks ago, and I feel free to, and quite at liberty, to recall it, as and when needed, for my REAL LIFE situation(s), as is appropriate.
As I have witnessed others here too, do, as they have need to.
I have only posted about Dr John Townsend's 2004 book onto this thread, in light of his new approach, in regard of his previous work, in 1996.
That's all, sorry your feel as you do, sincerely.
But, I do not feel comfortable, with you, Lise, in light of what I have read, i.e. the false accusations you are making against me, as admit it, you are jumping to assumptions, wrongly, and attemping to "Fortune Tell" and "Mind Read" from your highly emotive angry feelings, that you own.
I have done nothing to you, Lise, to deserve such treatment, with your words.
However, I understand where angry comes from, now.
VESMB member ~ Leah