Dear Lise,
You exercise your right to speak exactly as you wish to, as you have always done, with freedom.
However, please cease in Mind Reading and Fortune Telling
regarding my feelings, and thoughts,
once again, I am not angry, and I remain not angry.
you posted that you were angry, therefore, you own the angry feeling and emotion.
You have posted as you have, and I have merely posting in response, with assertiveness, for my own well being, here on this board,
and also, in real life.
The board is about interaction.
I have also contacted Dr Grossman by email, as you have been most abusive to me, in your posting, with false accusations, and assumptions, TODAY.
Then, a person named "Yamen" posted, presumably, because of what the personage "Yamen" could see for themself.
Have you ever stopped to think, consider, that the 30 plus number of Guests are watching what you are typing up onto the board?
Have you ever stopped to think, consider, that one or more of those Guests is able to see clearly what is so obvious?
And have a desire to post accordingly, for themself?
I have.