Dear Lupita,
Again, I admire your openness and honesty. You may not say what people wish to hear, nonetheless, it is the truth.
> Pretence
> Patronizing
> Denial
Is all about False Self, and being False, wearing a mask, to appease, and appear pleasant, to the eye, or ear.
All of which, is Shallowness, empty vanity, outwardly displayed.
They will tell you that they cannot help it, cannot stop doing it; but, is that true?
Has nothing to do with life and living, rather, quite the opposite.
That's it you see, the hidden rule is; "speaking what the other wants to hear" In essence, it's all a Lie, which breathes foul.
As opposed to, being real, being authentic, speaking life enhancing, honesty (with consideration), which breathes life in itself.
Such is the real difference.
Love, Leah
> The Game of Pretending ~~~ is an Act.