Dear Kelly and Hermes,
My M was a true N when I was growing up(IMO). Now, she has N traits(many), but does not seem to be NPD. How to "explain" it, I am not sure.
However, Kelly, I have learned many things from all the phases with her. One is that I HAVE to beat her down. She will violate me and I have to get in her face. The difference ,now, is that she owns it ,after I beat her down. She didn't before. Also,when I was a child ,I could not beat her down.
Even when I was an aduilt, I was too weak to beat her down.
N's respond to strength. They are bullies and bullies respond to a bigger dog. After the janet thread, as I said before, I learned how to fight. I became a bigger dog with my M AND my H.
Kelly,it may be different for you with your job situation. However, I don't think your M would ever really fire you.
Maybe, you are not showing quiet, strength to her. With my M, I threatened to have nothing to do with her, the other night, when she seemed on the verge of betraying me ,again.
She backed down.
Your M seems much worse than mine ,right now. However,on the day that I beat my M down, the first time, a few months ago, she was in the middle of colluding with my H ,against me.
I guess that I am suggesting, Kelly, that you may try to get a quiet, strength with her and be the bigger dog. Maybe, she would back down ,like mine did.
Compost the whole thing,if needed,(LOL) Love Ami