I started to re-read this article and again, started finding the ideas interesting, but, then I find another indication that the author has a political agenda, and in my point of view, a factually incorrect view:
He wrote "America got into the war in Vietnam and sustained 40 years of cold war to avoid 'becoming a victim' of the spread of communism. Later America felt victimized and threatened by the tiny island of Granada, Noriega of Panama, and Sadam Hussein of Iraq, and more recently by Somalia's so called War Lord Adid."
Not going to discuss US history extensively, but a big reason the US got into the Vietnam war was so that the French could get out of it. Remember, Indo China (Vietnam) had been a French possession or colony and the French had been fighting there for years and France was very unstable after WWII. The Vietnam war was an after math of WWII when the European powers began to shed their former colonies. And, read Marx, a big part of Marxist ideology was to spread their ideology globally, which, eventually caused the US to come up with the Domino Theory. Let's also not forget that after WWII, the Soviets never freed the Eastern European Countries and basically help Eastern Europe in servitude to Russia until 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell.
I'm not going to get into the omitted facts re: the rest of the statement, but I will say that the author is misleading, over simplifying and contorting historical fact to fit his theory. I think any nation's foriegn policy is not based on victimhood, but is based on their desire to defend themselves. Likewise, someone targeted by an N often acts to defend him or herself and those actions are not necesarily caused by victimhood alone.
I am not a flag waiver and, yes, there are many problems with the US and it's foreign policy, but the author's statement is factually wrong for so many reasons, I can't trust the author, although some ideas are interesting. I say read this with a big caveat, seems the author wants to mislead and brainwash the readers by omitting important facts.