So I feel that choosing not to speak because of using foresight and experience can be skillful and wise and making a choice not to be reactive or to lash out. I guess to me the difference is - do I know what I think and feel?? If I do, then it's okay to decide not to share. But to me that is a very different place than being so squashed, so blighted, so intimidated that you are beyond despair about having a thought or feeling in the first place because of being in a place of just - wrongness. Does that make sense? I'm not sure if I'm writing too vaguely?
That makes perfect sense Iphi; so well said! I love your post too; I haven't seen so much of you lately? Its nice when you're around!
I think there is some confusion regarding what to do with our new, stronger, voices when we finally have them. Some people feel that they should be able to `be authentic' around their families of origin , and then when that authenticity is met with the normal aggressive N reactions -rejection, hostility, abuse- then they become outraged and reject their family.
I have thought about it. But I also know that my family is complex and will probably not change, not really. My mother is an N, and the reason I developed the voice I did as a child was because it was the best form of communication to have with an N; with her specifically. It was a voice that minimized abuse, and afforded me the maximum amount of freedom within the bounds of her personality and power over my life.
She no longer has that power. Once I realized that I could, and would abandon her if necessary, I decided that I wouldn't. I recognized that I love her, and understand her pain, and want the best for her.
I can be assertive, I can be authentic, and I am strong (but also weak). Some of that has crept into my relationship with my mother. For example, she senses my strength by the way I do not allow myself to be manipulated by her, and i minimize contact. And there is *a little* room for me expressing my needs, and getting them met (it all comes down to language).
But I am not `the real me ' around her. To be honest, I am not `the real me' around most people. I am only fully transparent under very specific conditions, such as an intimate relationship or long term friendship.
I am not 100% sure about what the ideal contact level is with any N; I expect it is fluid, and depends on the individual and how much power the have in your life.
Anyway thanks for listening; I really appreciate this topic Violet!
X bella