Does this make any sense? My Nmother (hope it is ok to call her that, she does not have a formal diagnosis, just my belief is that she fits the criteria) just called this morning wanting information about my grown kids. Since I started hearing alarm bells, I used a ploy to disengage that works well ("I am right in the middle of something, mom, not a good time, so can't talk, bye!"), but thinking about the conversations I usually have with her, I wonder if I have used voicelessness and subjugating personal needs as a way to remain aloof and indestructable from the Ns in my family, in other words, have I derived a sort of twisted personal power from NOT allowing myself to have a voice or needs or individuality, so that they cannot turn on me and trounce on me? I often feel elated and sort of euphoric when I come away from a conversation with her or a sibling and realize I did not "give any part of my self away?" Since I do not believe in lying, and am trying to avoid falling into the trap of lying, this is not always easy to do. Does that make any sense or is it too idiotic?