Dear acofnpdmom,
Since this is only my 3rd post, I wanted to chime in with a welcome. I can only offer a sympathetic hug and hopeful "hang in there" because I don't have an answer for you otherwise. I know my Nmom wrote me off after my first divorce, I had shamed the family, and when I remarried the son of a wealthy, pillar of the community scion, she miraculously re-accepted me and ingratiated herself into the wedding planning (everything but offering any financial help or actual resources like time, etc.). She actually ruined my wedding for me but thankfully we left the town and moved far, far away. Thank God for that, my contact with her has been exactly as you state with your own Nm, you said:
"I've learned to deal with her the best way I know how -- therapy, distance (500 miles of it), allowing controlled and limited involvement in my life and being firm."
Since I can easily be caught off guard by her and fall under her entrancing spell, one thing I have learned to do is NOT allow her to force me to make any decisions or commit to anything EVER on the spur of the moment, instead I say something like, "well, let me think that one over and get back with you" or something, then I sit quietly and think the whole thing through and/or seek out guidance from wise, trusted sources, write down all my non-negotiables, and also write down my strong verbal responses to her BEFORE I get back with her on the phone. This seems to be working pretty well, although I can tell it frustrates her no end. Hope that can help a bit, if you have not tried it yet.
Cheers, Violet