Hello again Axa:
This is a visualization exercise, for example:
Let us now turn our attention to a visualization exercise that focuses on "man made" symbol that has become an archetypal one because like the diamond it can suggest something more subtle and profound.
· (first read this short visualization exercise and tape it on your tape recorder )
Relax on your chair and put the recorder on, close your eyes and imagine that you are on a small ship at sea, at night. A storm is raging, and the rain beats down on the deck. The ship is rolling and pitching. All around you is darkness.
Feel the rolling and pitching of the ship, hear the wind howling, feel the chill of the wind and the rain on your face. See the stormy sea at night. Experience the fatigue in your muscles and the difficulty with which you wrestle with the wheel.
Now, in the distance, you can see a dazzling light shining. Its source is a lighthouse. Its steady, radiant beam guides you through the night. You welcome this guidance with relief. Now you know where to steer. Concentrate on the lighthouse, and visualize its light radiating in all directions to help people who have lost their way, to give guidance to all who need it. The storm is raging, the wind howling, the rain falling, the night pitch-black. But the lighthouse stands solid and shining. Nothing can shake it.
After a time, let the visualization gradually subside, yet keep within you this sense of SHINING STRENGTH.
Such an example illustrates how symbols, rightly used, will deepen their transformative function, allowing us to change our inner attitudes and outer behavior. The quality inherent in the symbols not only reveals to us new ways of experiencing ourselves and life, it also creates a new line of force in our psyche - one which can gradually become a trait in our personality and thus affect our actions.