I am SO afraid of anger.. I see that I have been stuffing anger in to my stomach(as well as many other emotions).
If *I* am angry at s/one, I will turn it around am afraid that THEY are angry at me. Then,I get a stomach ache.
This happened ,today, twice.
The first time ,two people were "intrusive"(not meaning to) and *I* felt angry. However,I turned it around,in my mind ,and was afraid that they were angry at me.
Then,I had another incident when I thought s/one was angry at me for s/thing and I got a "double stomach ache" b/c of one anger piled on top of another(LOL)
I really want to be comfortable with anger b/c it is a real and necessary emotion. We cannot be whole ,if we don't manage our anger. We will be skewed, somehow.
Can anyone relate? Ami