Author Topic: Hooks  (Read 1660 times)


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« on: July 14, 2004, 04:15:34 PM »
Dear all

No I don't mean the things you go fishing with, nor the one's you have on your hand if its been chopped off fom strange reason (mind you, makes for picking ones nose a much more interesting subject)!

In my own now distant run in with a sufferer of NPD, what tied me into her was soo abvious, that as a bloke I couldn't see it (well there's a first)!

I provided her with lots of buzzzz......not I'm not talking of the vibrating type of buzzzz.......stop being smutty now :-)..........! Amongst many things, I massaged her ego......(her back, toes and other wobbly bits too)! I gave her the attention she so craved (should have been a hammer between her eyes instead). The platform of recognission and wealth!

I was fairly loaded, 11 years older and running a couple of successfull business! She was bright, bloody attractive (to me anyway), funny, charming and oh soooooo sexy! Now all the other stuff that had happened to her, all the really very unlucky stuff, all the bad stuff that others had done to her.......well she was the victim and it wasn't her fault (wow.....pigs actually flew, bloody huge ones too)!

The hooks, and there always are hooks in relationships with NPDers, was money and........yep you've guest! Very simple really, I represented what she wanted (smurks) and she fullfilled my idea of a beautifull woman! We wanted the same thing.....and love was at the bases of it all! Well no actually, it wasn't! Well it was for me, but not quite for her!

She was, as I found out later and to my cost, in love with my wallet! On the love front thingy me bob, I also learned that the both of us were in love with the same! Strange really......but then I'd also made a big big mistake! Yes I'd been married and yes I should have known better.......but she actually made me feel that I was, what I can only describe as, that old Indian Chief Two Dicks Humping! Yes I told her that I loved sex and althoug her last husband accused her as being frigid, hey presto.........this sumptious package of honey turned into an absolutely sex made, couldn't get enough and wow was it good, lover! Boy she orgasmed morning, noon and night from one side of the room to the other in raptious and loud noises! Water sports.......I was possitively surfing with googles and a snorkle most of the time! Never known anything like it in my life.........what a burk!

Before meeting me, her life seemed a bit of a disaster! I couldn't quite figure it out, but hey ho, life can be tough for some! Thank god, I though I'd led a pretty ok life and didn't really have too much knowledge of how relationships worked......I'd been around as a young man, I am ex Royal Navy, but no, relatively niave about this relationship malarky! Married, but drifted apart with work and really became strangers. Seperated and then bang............met my soul mate...........formilly refered to as Cathy, now known as Satin!

Anyways (notice how I threw a bit of the old Dutch language in there), So Satin and I got it together for the same reasons..........not!!! So she loves my wallet and I love her, couldn't be simpler, a match made in.......hell! Only one problem, stupid here didn't have a clue about the obvious!

So we move in together. A by a strange coincidence, she starts a 3 year university degree that we hadn't really talked about before until a few weeks prior to moving in! She's broke, but hey: "what's mine is yours honey" So I'm supporting her fully and she doesn't have to work part-time either......sweeeeeeet!  Did I mention her 4 year old boy from her marriage that lasted 6 months? You know, the one when her evil ex hubby left saying "I'll come back when you're a much nicer person"! The absolute bas**rd who was forced to marry her at a 'shotgun wedding'! The evil Ming the Dictator, who really didn't have a clue as to the rings she was running around him! What a terrible man........lucky sod, he got out after 6 months with her and ran like hell!

Anyway, where was I.....oh yes.....Sleeping Beauty (Satin) also failed to tell me other little things! Nothing really, so insignificant it didn't matter really.......nothing. Except of course things like: she'd been preggers at 17, hide it from her parents until it was too late and then claimed she'd been gang raped on one drunk New Years Eve. So ashamed, she'd hidden it from everyone cause she was soooo traumatised by the whole experience (yes that was another load of bollo**s! Turned out to be the parents best friends son who she'd willing jumped into bed with! Also turns out she'd been doing this quite a lot with men from the age of 13)!
This being the first time she'd ever had sex, so she told her middle class parents (hahahahahahahahahahaha.......), she didn't know she was pregnant until 4 weeks before the baby was due and she felt it kick (hahahahahahahaha.......I'm peeing my pants now)!

"Call the Police", poor little Cath couldn't bare to see her 'gang rape' being made public! What were her folks to do......? Satin has an idea, trough all the crocodile tears of course (man could she act) 'Adoption' became the solution! Parents and Grand Parents in done! Now at the tender age of 18, Satin had no intention of being seen pushing a pram down the drive, it would really have cramped her style for gods sake, come on!!!

So no, Satan never  had a child and it certainly wasn't adopted out at birth! And as for the holiday Mummy and Daddy sent her away on 4 months later because of all her troubles...........that was an even bigger party for her to tuck into! You see, Satan is absolutely brilliant at coming across as Mother Teresa! So much so that 6 months after the adoption and holiday.........arrrr.....guess what? That's right, Satan's engaged to yet another local boy.......who hasn't got a clue what he's digging himself into!

Now Satan is still having trauma over the rape a couple of months after the lavish engagement party, Satan needs another break! So off she pops to sunny Espana......(that's my attempt at Spanish.......wot....I'm very euro friendly. So I do a little Dutch and now Spanish)! Anyway, Satan meets Juan and yep......the engagement is all over on her return cos 'Juan' is the one for her!

Only for one thing.....Juan  had broken his heart at the airport as Satan left for home! So much so, that he mended it by bonking furiously that night, a gal who'd just got off Satans outing plane.........sweeeeet (hahaha) Of course with the language barrier, it took him a few months for Juan to tell her, along with her discovery of a discharge from a certain part of her anatomy (I kid you not), that their love was over!

So Satan is an unlucky girl who is constantly being used and breaks my heart to hear stuff like this in our early months together. Of course she's missed out all the stuff that I found out much later down the road. Satan couldn't possibly be seen in a bad tut tut! So the victim stuff continues to pour out of her as yours truly, mounts his shiny armour sets off on his trusty steed to rescue the poor poor damsel in distress (Rescuer......key word this)!

So I'm happy as a 'pig in sh*t!' I'm living with the great girl who's (reeling me in) in love with me and things couldn't be better. Sure,after the bas**rd who'd dumped for another girl when she went away on holiday with a friend who was just getting over a family tragedy (remember the Juan thing), she'd got her life together! She was livid that her parents had spent a fortune on her engagement to such a prat, but anyway, she'd avoided marrying such a prat (notice how she lied with ease and turned something around so completely that it happened only the way she remembered)! So 4 months later, enter stage right her kiddies father!

So we're together and Nick, Satan's ex hubby, was a distant past. Yes she'd messed around a bit since, but no, nothing much......if you forget about the multiple sexual partners at the same time and also the bi experiences with her best friend.........not much really! So much so, it never happened and anyway. she hated gay people and lesbos.....(I kid you not)! This lot surfaced years later when I caught her in bed with the same friend and a male companion when I return unexpectedly from a business trip. Her girlfriends boyfriend was the other one in the sack with mine and she'd felt sickened by what I'd discovered. Satan of course, couldn't give a damn!

So my little rose little cup cake wasn't quite what she made out to be from the get go! Sure we all tell porkers when we first meet and yes, we all have secrets, me included. But then there's little secrets that pop up here and there in every relationship........and then there's dumper trucks full of horse sh*t that collide with your face type porkers! I guess the only thing that I never really found out about this honey was that she  the secret grandchild of Adolf Hitlers secret tryst in Bognor one wet and windy weekend back in 1939!

Now I'm tiring fast and need to go for a, better make that two! So I'm going to continue to post this story when I have the energy to do so! I joined today and posted a piece earlier called 'Controversial Issue' It covers lightly how I managed to escape from myself (and her) in the end! I've made this piece as light as I can.I don't want to belittle the severity of anyones extreme mental anquish who's been under prolonged exposure to an NPDer. I found a way out and for me it worked!

The pattern of behaviour of these people is familiar. So is the near destruction of souls that they laughing call 'partners'! In the end I feel for you and I'll try to bring a smile to you face through the bitter experience of your on-going, or recent past. That's support!


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« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2004, 01:50:21 PM »

Are you still suffering effects of the "NPDer" as you call her since you broke it off in 1998? Or is this an issue you had before getting involved with her and are still working on?

In any case your post was very amusing....wobbly bits and all.



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« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2004, 03:55:19 AM »
Quote from: nassim

Are you still suffering effects of the "NPDer" as you call her since you broke it off in 1998? Or is this an issue you had before getting involved with her and are still working on?

In any case your post was very amusing....wobbly bits and all.

Nassim[Do I get angry or  am I still, I'm well past that stage. If anything, I actually smile inside quite a bit to myself over the whole's kind of funny! I don't mean to belittle anyone if they're suffering huge pain at this time. But, for me, I learned a hell of a lot about myself and with later posts, I hope I can show perhaps one or two people an easier way through their Amazon Forest of darkness :-)/quote]