""" Perhaps people with questions regarding Hermes alleged secrets could ask, rather than accuse?"" Lollie.
At least you are fair, Lollie, in saying that.
I was interrogated (like some kind of criminal) not so long after joining the board. I was told I some kind of "shadowy" figure (I can assure everyone I am quite solid!). Is everyone who comes on the board interrogated in that fashion? I think not. In any case, Dr. Grossman could have simply asked me to leave the board if he felt I was some kind of threat. I wish to say here and now that if the majority here wish to approach Dr. Grossman to ask him to "erase" me from here, I shall abide by his decision, without further ado.
Yet, I answered the questions which were not put to me in a very nice way, and I gave some more personal details about myself (which I did not HAVE to do, but I did). And about my N-experience/abuse, which is now snidely sneered at.
I actually feel bad now about telling anything personal about myself or my experiences, and maybe that is why I was reluctant to do so at the outset, until I could find out a bit more about this board and the people on it. Well, I sure found out!!!
Yes, I do know about NPD (I wish I didn't, I wish I had never met such an individual, because then I would never have to even engage in a conversation about the disorder, or even read about it). Some posters have thanked me for putting up links regarding NPD, or other comments.
I still think it is simply a matter of personal dislike, but there is nothing I can do about that.