Dear Leah:
I was not aware of you offering any apology. Why would you apologise? Less so to me. Maybe I have missed something along the way. But you have no need to apologise to me.
I have got nothing whatsoever against apologies, when they are sincere. I perceive no sincerity here, none (referring to the "lunacies". Sorry about that.
When has G. offered any support, kind or otherwise, to me. I haven"t seen it. If you have, please direct me to the thread, or post, and I promise I will look at it.
I am very very annoyed, Leah. I think this is obvious.
Look Leah. I spent a long time, too long, being ill-treated by a NPD. One day, the worm turned, and I gave him as good as I got. (probably a futile exercise where an NPD is concerned). Please understand that I feel very very bad right now, I am in no mood for word games. Please.
The rules I believe in are the rules of fairness.
But, if someone pricks me with a pin, they are bound to draw blood. What more can I say.
All the best, and I think today has been long enough.