Author Topic: Re: Lack of moderating  (Read 4922 times)


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Re: Lack of moderating
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2008, 09:16:56 PM »

Oh, sorry, GS

that is a local saying here.

it means "caught on"  "have you noticed something"

This thread has been slit into two.

2 threads now.

this one with jovial comments

the original with serious comment.

Leah x

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: Lack of moderating
« Reply #31 on: February 11, 2008, 09:20:33 PM »
OHHHHHH!  Of course ..... twigged - splittttttt.

That seems so obvious.  Thanks.

( I so like the jovial side - don't you?????)


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Re: Lack of moderating
« Reply #32 on: February 11, 2008, 09:21:39 PM »
""I certainly see how my referring to "the lunacies of Bella and Hermes " is insulting.  I apologize."""

A bit late in the day for that, don"t you think, G.S.?  The damage has been done.  

Then again, what else could I have expected.  



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Re: Lack of moderating
« Reply #33 on: February 11, 2008, 09:39:12 PM »
Dear Leah:

I was not aware of you offering any apology.  Why would you apologise? Less so to me.  Maybe I have missed something along the way.  But you have no need to apologise to me. 

I have got nothing whatsoever against apologies, when they are sincere.  I perceive no sincerity here, none (referring to the "lunacies".  Sorry about that.
When has G. offered any support, kind or otherwise, to me. I haven"t seen it. If you have, please direct me to the thread, or post, and I promise I will look at it.
I am very very annoyed, Leah. I think this is obvious. 
Look Leah.  I spent a long time, too long, being ill-treated by a NPD.  One day, the worm turned, and I gave him as good as I got.  (probably a futile exercise where an NPD is concerned).  Please understand that I feel very very bad right now, I am in no mood for word games.  Please.
The rules I believe in are the rules of fairness. 
But, if someone pricks me with a pin, they are bound to draw blood.  What more can I say.

All the best, and I think today has been long enough.


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Re: Lack of moderating
« Reply #34 on: February 11, 2008, 09:41:58 PM »
In conclusion, just forgot to say that if anyone wishes to IM me or send me an email message, they are welcome to do so (on my profile).
I think the board has had enough of this whole sorry business.



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Re: Lack of moderating
« Reply #35 on: February 11, 2008, 10:03:27 PM »

Dear Leah:

I was not aware of you offering any apology.  Why would you apologise? Less so to me.  Maybe I have missed something along the way.  But you have no need to apologise to me.

All the best, and I think today has been long enough.

Here is my public apology,  Hermes ..........

Hello Hermes,

I have only just signed on, I have explained as to the reason why, with an open, public, apology, on your "Censureship" thread.

Here again, is my apology, posted for you here, in case you are unaware.

You are quite at liberty to contact the Owner / Moderator of this Emotional Survival Forum, Dr Grossman, directly, and a lodge a complaint, should you desire to do so, as we all here are at liberty, with freedom.

This board, mercifully, is not the same as the MSN boards, which is why, as is my understanding, so many enjoy being here, with appreciation for how Dr Grossman runs his board, myself included.  This is the best support board that I have come across, and the first and only one, in which I have become a member of.

Again, my choice of topic was heaven with just 2 questions, and I think in light of recent bereavements and other considerations, my thread was truly lacking in consideration.

Out of consideration, as prompted, I deleted my thread, as it happened, my questions were unanswered in any case (which were only ponderings), but that is by the by.  As I am personally responsible, and accountable, for my thoughts, and actions.

Every good wish to you, sincerely.

Leah x

Hello Folks,

If by chance, this "Censorship" thread is in reference to, my action of deleting my thread, that I started today, 'Heaven'

May I please be permitted to explain the reason why I deleted it.  It was simply because I was prompted to do so, out of consideration for members here on the board whose own real life situation is as such that it may have caused them upset.

Anyway, I wish to extend my sincere apologies to you (((( Hermes )))) and to you (((( Bella )))) for causing each of you to feel upset.

I only did what I thought was best.

In hindsight, I should have considered, before starting the thread in the first instance, which was merely a couple of questions, ponderings, upon my wondering about certain aspects, last night.  However, I made that mistake and will try not to do so again.

I had intended to send a PM message, as you had posted toward the end of the thread, to explain what I had done, and why, but alas, I was called away to answer the telephone, which became a lengthy call, with a subsequent urgent matter to attend to.  It is only by chance that I have come back onto the board again, after researching an author.

Sincere good wishes.

Leah x

Also, my sincere apologies to ((((( everyone )))))) for not thinking first, in consideration. 

Leah x  Censureship thread. 

Here is your response, Hermes ..........

Hello Leah:

I agree that this is an excellent board, but excellent or not, moderating is IMHO required.  By moderating I am NOT referring to the type of dictatorship you might encounter on certain other boards. 
But I find it decidedly odd that posters can at will delete whole threads, just like that.  I do believe that is the moderator's job.

I do not need any apology, believe me.   I am just very surprised, that's all.

All the best
« Last Edit: February 11, 2008, 10:12:34 PM by LeahsRainbow »
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: Lack of moderating
« Reply #36 on: February 11, 2008, 10:10:22 PM »
I did not see that, Leah.  And again I say, there is no need to apologise to me.  Look, Leah, I don"t know what is the problem with a certain number of people here, but with me, it is straight up.  I was surprised the thread was deleted (I did not know that it was possible for a member to do so).  That"s all.  Why would I complain to Dr. Grossman about you? 

I am quite well aware that someone might not like me, that several people might not like me.  That is fine. 
Please do not worry further about it.

All the best


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Re: Lack of moderating
« Reply #37 on: February 12, 2008, 11:43:53 AM »

And, in all honesty, saying of GS  .........  just like the mentally disordered you are.   is simply not on, is it??

Gabben has offered kind support for your pain, and you have severely rebuked and insulted her, and her alleged "sidekicks"


I'm writing this post not pretending that you and I don't always get along here (understatement).

But I did need to thank you for saying something here and standing up for me. When I came on the board this morning and read some of the posts and Hermes response to my post, which was really just a way of gaslighting or smearing my virtue with her vice, I felt hurt. Being called an abuser? Come on!

I appreciate that you *see*  said something in defense for me and the others here that are getting treated with indignity.


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Re: Lack of moderating
« Reply #38 on: February 12, 2008, 04:05:10 PM »
Hi everyone.

Umm... I haven't been here in about 24 hours, but I honestly don't recall starting this as a separate thread... and I'm not sure why it is showing up that way. Thought I'd posted my "Yay" response to Gabben being mod here on the original thread re: moderating... so this is a mystery to me.

But since my name's on it, I'm using my option to lock the thread.
