is it me or are Saturday evenings a bit weird? I didn't want to go out, and spent my evening with son, but some part of me feels restless....
It wouldn't take much for me to sink into a miserable mood on Saturday evenings.
A friend told me she can't go home to a darkened house late at night, avoids it unless she plans to jump straight into bed, because she gets in the doldrums for some reason.
Maybe it's the same thing.
I came on here for a bit- despite my intention not to.
My comfort habits are struggling to be dampened...
Thank you Hops for your warning about hooking up with another NPD immediately after divorce.
I saw that guy at church today- my goodness is he NPD character to a T so far: moody, charming, furious, rude, delightful, posturing...& so inconsistent I am not going to even talk to him any more on a personal level.
I think he engages lots of women simultaneously too, they all seem to compete for his attention.
One was crying today and there's a group who hang around him now and seem to be constantly creating drama and tension.
They all seem to be competing for his attention, then one day when they were all there he was really affectionate with me, I didn't realise at first but he was provoking a reaction with them.
Yuk, I stopped liking him then- nothing charming about intentional cruelty. One woman looked like her heart would break, today she was his 'favoured one' at a big rehearsal, she looked so happy again...but I think I know the pattern now...
I tackled him a few weeks ago about whether he was or was trying to engage me romantically, since he gave so many mixed messages, he wouldn't give a straight answer so I told him I was seeing someone else & that if we are still going to work together it's best to maintain a professional courteous relationship. Since then he's been mostly moody and angry when we had to meet, though one day he was all charming again...he's kind of like my ex. A rule is unbearable it seems...
He's been very attractive to me- more even than ex was- if Hops hadn't detailed her story I'm sure I would have been blindsided.
The NPD relationship is a pattern I really would like to break.
I'm horrified by how easily I step back into role...
Eharmony is helping, I am being very thoughtful and not even considering someone whose values and interests don't match mine, looking at those things before gazing into someone's eyes or doing some kind of 'connection' is definitely a big step forward for me.
Ex heard my latest music, he cried and said it was wonderful.
He told me he loves me and always has, I said well you didn't act like it and he gave me a hug and said 'you have to understand- I am limited'.
So a sort of closure there, I told him I am going to date someone else and he didn't seem too bothered, our co-parenting is mostly going okay.
Until it changes, shifts, erupts...but there's nothing I can do only take it one day at a time.
I'm tired, think I'll go walk and then sleep.
Thanks for reading anyone who does!
Hope all are well, love to everyone