Dear sunblue. I think something you wrote is a real lightning bolt:
My Nmom only values people who have important, professional jobs and who make a lot of money.
As long as we see ourselves through
their eyes we will
always be worthless and what we want will be worthless and what we happen to be doing for a job at the moment will be worthless. If you suddenly had a really prestigious job and made a ton of money, your mom would insult you about it. She might brag to others, but she would insult you to your face. Even the best job in the world would not satisfy her, because of her envy. You and I will never win their approval or appreciation that way or any other way.
Meanwhile everything we do will be low status and unimportant and we are unimportant. This is poison. This is toxic! Our jobs do not dictate our worth. And neither do our parents, though they have completely succeeded in brainwashing us that they do.
So. I think you need to take this job.
God I have felt just exactly as you do about jobs. I've written before that I am stuck like a fly on flypaper in my line of work. The field and my position in it - resonates with my FOO issues. Over time become conscious of this resonance instead of unconscious, and I have learned so much and done so much detaching and cultivated other aspects of my life. Yeah I still feel pfft about my job but you know, I am competent at it and I've put a lot of money in savings. It has served a functional purpose and has been a vehicle for growth and for learning and practicing new perceptions, new skills, lots of learning.
So all a job is - is a vehicle for survival, for change, learning, growth. A job is what has made me independent of my dad - it broke me free of his powerful orbit. For all my inability to say no leading to huge amounts of overtime - at least I got paid! And over the past 15 years, though I am in the same job description - I have done so many different things with so many different people.
Open the door to life. Please please take the job. It is NOT an end. It is a beginning. Let yourself out of prison.