Pingent - I don't really hold it against her, but it definitely infuriates me. Her behavior educates me on where to draw my lines with her. She hasn't been through what my brothers and I have, so I understand it is hard for her to relate. On the other hand, she should be compassionate and respectful enough to honor my choices which she hasn't. I do cut her a little slack knowing that she still lives in the same town with my mother and has to live with her on a daily basis - unlike me (opposite coast). I'm glad you were able to escape your N. That doesn't surprise me that your acne got better! Less stress!

Thanks for posting!
Bunny - Yes she is a huge meddler! How did you know?

She likes drama and also enjoys the "high" of being in the middle of things.
Learning - Yes, she is naive as well. She will learn soon enough that I won't play those games anymore.

I'm proud of you for choosing to ignore your parents. I know you have your kids best interest in mind! I find it very peculiar how a simple phonecall makes them think they are in again! Weird!
Seeker - Actually my brother does get it, but he still lives in the same town as my mom so he's not "liberated" yet. He is totally immersed in the crazy making and does good just to keep her away from his house occasionally, much less breaking away. Small town mentality.
MM & Flower - thanks for your support and encouragement! Always love to hear your voices. Hugs.
Madame Butterfly (love the name!!!) - Great advice and it gave me great hope and encouragement that things will continue to get better. Thank you and welcome!
Thanks everyone - hugs to you all.