This is a very thought provoking topic/thread, Patsy. Thanks for starting it. I was, like many of us, not heard or listened to by either of my parents.
Now in my early 30s, I have learned that all my past relationships have been with men who made me feel the same way. Unheard and unappreciated. Once I started to show my true thoughts and feelings, they couldn't handle it and took off. Either physically or emotionally. And let me tell you.....that hurts like no other.
cdnwoman, I understand that hurt. And the ones that didn't take off, I pushed away - like fearing for what I long for most as BlueTopaz said. A fear that I will really be listened to and respected.
Thank goodness for this board and the sincerity on it.
And I think men and women are different. They (men) like to problem solve and if you give them stuff they can't solve, it makes them feel useless. I try to come here to get stuff out because I don't think it does our marriage any good for me to go on about stuff except every once in a while.
MM, thanks for this. You see the light and love in his eyes - that is so beautiful. I haven't been looking for it cause I didn't know it could exist.