Dear Alone,
I understand, with sincere empathy.
Eventually, truly, it does fade from alertness.
As I shared with you on the other thread you mention, my exNH travels some distance to sit outside the last house in which we lived. Some would say "so what?" -- because they know not of what he is like, and also, they know not of the reality of his behavioral traits. So long as he is at a distance, I can know, from a distance, and feel quite safe. With peace in my heart.
This comes in time.
Sincerely wish for peace in your heart dear Alone,
love, Leah
PS > I shared the above, as you have mentioned that he was not violent -- if you had concerns of violence from him -- or at present, have any concerns of any possibility of violence from him -- then that is altogether different -- and in that case, it may be wise to inform the authorities, to have it recorded on file at the very least, in awareness, and also, to receive advice and guidance with regard to their formal procedures, as is appropriate.