Hi, Kelly,
As Lolly's said here: Sometimes threads just run out of energy or juice, and I think that's probably what happens in a huge majority of the cases. In other words, no, I don't think it's about you!
I agree! I don't think it has anything whatsoever to do with you. Sometimes the threads run dry, sometimes I run dry... lol...
and sometimes a sudden burst of new threads will come along at once (when alot of folks are online simultaneously) and push the previous posts down lower on the page or even to a new page. Many days, I never get to the 2nd page... although I try to look there periodically.
Personally, I always feel bad if I leave someone hanging... but then there was some talk here on the board about folks who need to have the last word, so - I figured - maybe they're right... Maybe it's good to just let some of them go - not to hang, but simply because no reply is absolutely required. But it never bothers me if someone else doesn't respond to me, because I know it's mostly likely a matter of circumstances and nothing personal. Stuff happens.
And GS - I'm so sorry you felt that way again recently... but I know what you mean. The more vulnerable the post, the more it hurts if it's left neglected or misunderstood.