Hi MM.
I hear you. Thanks for your tell it like it is wisdom. Hard earned, I know. Boy I fall for the poor frail me stuff because...well, it's a real possibility of course. Has the wolf finally arrived? (yes!) If she really is living in fear, then she should be in a nursing home as you point out. I think I just wasn't quite as guarded as I usually am since I'd been away. I was feeling like I could make this relationship work a bit.
It is a constant push pull between us. To put it bluntly, the person that would be most relieved to have her shuffle off is also the person she depends on for all the emotional stuff... I can't give her.
Before I left she wanted me to take her to the doctor because her blood pressure was too low, 150 over something, then she wanted me to take her to the doctor because it was too high, 170 over something - she takes it repeatedly throughout the day. It's so hard to untangle it all, is it real, is it another one of the thousands and thousands of bids for attention. Generally the doctor just sighs and tells her she's in fabulous shape for her age.(third doctor in the last 4 years, no one PAYS ATTENTION!! need new doctor!!) This being Canada it's easier perhaps to just get your attention needs met through going to the doctor all the time. My mother is either dying or as she said brightly last week - "The doctors should study me!" ( to find out why she is so incredibly healthy and smart etc) God, I'm tired and I've only been back a day!
I read your post about stealing. I really felt for that little girl who couldn't ask for what she needed. I keep replaying one of the questions you posted awhile back - Why would N's have 8 children? So does your sister still get to you or have you mostly dealt with it?
You are very level headed MM. So you took the short, matter of fact route in your e-mail. I think you are a realist. You know what is and you keep your eye on that. I need to learn this. I keep thinking maybe people change, want closure, see the error of their ways, need a second chance. What I'm just starting to get is that full- blown N is irreversible. I need to send Polyanna (me) packing. THis woman could live to be 100 or more. My brother and sister have already had cancer and my body does all kinds of odd things in response to all this.
Yes, - this woman needs to come to terms with aging and being old. She's mad as hell -hasn't done any interior work at all. (oh, Polyanna said, that's right, there isn't too much interior to work with)
So how are you doing down there? Sweltering?
Thanks and if I might

...send a hug your way.