I'll watch it this weekend, hardtotrust... thank you. Feels like there's more to grasp here than I'm able, right now.
But yes, I do see that shame is contagious... really, just like a virus. And if we "caught" it before we had words to express... that makes it even tougher to dig out and expose to the light. Claiming a new identity by faith is really only the beginning. Working it out is another matter entirely.
Also I completely understand the business of your mother's "official version". Same here... Dad is cast in the bumbling idiot role... as long as I can remember. And he willingly plays along... to a point... taking his frustration out in various forms, including drinking, and - in the past - by belittling me. I'm able to question him somewha... and I remember once, long ago, he mumbled something about not having been the greatest father, so I guess he has some awareness... but her? Like a rock.
Again, really appreciating your posts.