Dear Axa,
You make good sense to me. I've talked with friends about this... from the standpoint of our various buttons, you know?
Some folks push my buttons, but others take no issue... and vice versa.
But that's not the end-all of it. Sometimes it's not only my buttons which need fixing, mending, adjusting. In fact, sometimes my buttons are right on target.
Maybe I am oversensitive in one area. But I have different frames of reference now, too... for instance, one person can call me hon, or sweetie, and I don't feel a bit patronized... but when that comes out of the mouth of another, I want to slap her... lol.
The buttons are just cues... not right or wrong... and as with everything, it's all about context.
Yikes, I'm not making sense of this, this morning, but what I'm trying to say is that another person's lack of sensitivity to an individual's poor character and lack of integrity may simply mean that person feels strong enough to manage without being threatened. In no way does it mean that the individual is "safe". So... "Betty", for instance, may feel sorry for "Susie" (even though Susie is very unsafe) because Susie reminds Betty of her beloved auntie... and therefore Betty feels familiar with Susie, not threatened, and willing to take alot more grief from her than I, for instance, might be.
Sorry that is a mish mash... but quite often, I do think that "safe" is in the eye of the beholder.