Seems to me that a lot of people have missed a great opportunity to learn and to grow.
From what? Please I wish LTL wouldn't be so nebulous. Vague suggestions like this mean I don't know they're talking about, or suggesting I could learn and grow from. Very frustrating.
If one says or does something that one does not agree with does that justify abuse?
What abuse? From whom? LTL calls opinions and reactions from real people abuse. hahahahahah Reality and real emotions. Suppress at all costs. This is the voicelessness forum. I've been told to deny and suppress and be blind to my own thoughts and needs all my life. I ain't doin' it any more, not even to make LTL feel better.
Seems like that's all somebody got. and who are we to set ourselves up in judgment above someone else? surely that's G-d's job.
Oh no, not a half-baked kabbalist in the midst? Surely not!
Hey, I think I have freedom of thought and speech on this thread, don't I? G-d gave me my mind. am I to beleive G-d wants me to keep silent. Is LTL the mouthpeiece of G-d. Oh no!!!
So if I can't say what I think, who am I? Do I have freedom of speech. Apparently not.
Not according to LTL. hahahahah damn I didn't know I was supposed to only say what would make Rosemary feel good. she didn't even say that. Sorry LTL, didn't know I mustn't speak My own mind. Didn't know that now voicelessness rules here, yeah!!!
And hey, I agree LTL, to hell with the kids, yeah LTL. Didn' read you mention them once. I'm disgusted. Yeah, in your silence on this, your motto reads to me "To Hell With The Kids!"
Sad, didn't read you mention them or old el-creepo once. Just us, and how bad and deficient, and castigating we all are. hahahahaahah What Bullshit. I think I'll go and spank myself till it feels good.
it is very likely that one who commits sexual abuse has also been sexually abused. same goes for all kinds of abuse. the abused becomes abuser.
Not always lovo, not always. Better go and do your homework. Maybe the abuser is you here. Is that possible? Oh no, it's me. We're in a dance, I abuse you, then you'll abuse me. hahahah Kinky.
[quote]Now everyone here has been abused in some way (verbally,physically,emotionally)
Well if we weren't before you posted, we have been now. hahahahaha
and we are fortunate in that we have managed to follow a path to break the cycle of abuse. a difficult thing to do.
Certainly is with people like you around trying to get me to second guess myself.
I certainly know that I have been verbally abusive in the past, it was my upbringing after all. I still make mistakes but that's being human.
You still are love, but hey, I'll try to forgive your ignorance.

But you still are, just in a very sneaky insidious way. Oh well, live and let live, that's my motto. Nice ta' meet ya'.

the way you have castigated somebody on this thread I find incredible. as I find the line between the abused and the abuser is all too thin at times - i repeat - the tendency for the abused to become the abuser.
Yeah, well you would know LTL. I feel abused by you now,

what are you gonna do to fix it?

Cause you're telling me I have no right to speak my mind, and I'm second guessing myself, and I'm doing that even when I know damn well I do have aright to speak my mind.

What to do?

what to do? Speak my mind, and say what I feel, or shut-the fuck up, as LTL would like me to, to make LTL happy. I don't know?

Oh yes I do, I just had a brain-wave. I'll keep talkin' and speakin' my mind. Go with my heart-brain and gut instincts.
I'm sure it has been very therapeutic to all group together and castigate someone, did you all feel good about yourselves as a result?
Speaking for myself, Yes, thanks for asking.

Even though I have no interest in wasting my time speaking with you, and after I finish this reply I don't think I'll bother again.
there's is simply no need to speak to anyone like that, imo.
Like what? to speak the truth. what I really think?
but, nw will you say, I am simply condoning the abuse with what I am saying.
Oh, and now you can read minds can you? No! That wasn't what I was gonna say at all. I was thinking of saying something a long the lines of 'Look, there are pigs up there, flying in the sky!'
No I am simply saying that the comments on this thread,which exist because of Richard Grossman, bring the board and the field of psychology into disrepute.
hahahahahahahaha hic snort bonk, head just fell off , laughing too much. Hang on, hahahah trying to put head back on. Oh no, wrong way!

Never seen my butt from that angle.

Pretty flat and wide. Note to self - Need to do some butt exercises.
Are you for real? You mention G-d and RG in the same post as authorities. Sorry Richard, not bagging you out at all. And not trying to start a fight. I'll back off after this post. Promise. hahaha
And of course Richard, your name could have come first, but thought better say G-d first. hahahahahahahahah I know you'll understand.
But really LTL, are you blaming Grossman's board for bringing the field of psychology into disrepute?

hahahaahahahahahah Hey, Dr G, did you know you were so influential? hey, it's worry, if the comments that I post here constitute the fullness of modern psychological advancement!
SHIT, HELP! We're all in deep shit! Oh I quiver in fear about G-d too. Sorry, wouldn't want to forget her. And hey! (Foot tapping emoticon) Why wasn't I told?

I didn't know we were all paid up members of the APA. Hey, P, did you know you're a psychologist?

Yeah, we're all psychologists.

hahahahaha Cool! Damn, wish I had of known earlier. I'd a been charging. LTL just certified us all. Man, onya LTL!
The field of psychology teaches us that we can change ourselves if we take the pain and face what we have done.
That's good, then take this pain, from me to you, face what you've done to me, and take this pain. "Up your ask"!
It is all very well to do that in isolation but if someone else tries to do that and are condemned for it where does that leave us? if we speak up and know that we will be condemned for it? how will we heal? the behavour will not be addressed and will continue.
That's if you're trying to change someone's behaviour, LTL? That isn't what anyone here was doing. Oh well, now I'll just speak for myself. That's what you're trying to do to me, NOW! Oh addled one. Re-read and think if you've got the balls and the brains.
Surely psychology teaches us that condemning anyone gets us (as a sociey or the human race) nowhere.
So WTF are you doing in this post. hahahahahahahahahahhaha
It is through understanding and compassion that we can bring change.
So WTF aren't you showing compassion and understanding to me? oh great teacher of G-d's principles. hahahahahahahahahahahaah I need it too. hahahahaha
but there you go, I am all too aware myself of any judgement I throw upon anyone else - as it all too often applies to me.
Yep, hit the nail right on the head.
Making a black/white judgment call in the realm of human behavour is a difficult call, and is certainly beyone me.
Apparently not, you just did it.
And hey, is that still politically correct, isn't it supposed to be coloured and caucasian judgment call.
Anyway, a very emotive thread to say the least, maybe some good will come of it, maybe not
[/quote] Not if you've got anything to do with it, it won't you sssssssilly enabler.
Barf Barf. Bucket please. Wipe mouth. Now LTL, tell me about how you feel about the kids and sis, and what old slimy should do to help them out. I noticed you didn't mention them at all. I get the clear distinct feeling you don't care about them at all. Why is that? No, don't bother answering my questions, I won't be reading your reply. I just lied, I probably will.

But I was trying to make a dramatic exit. hahaha Anyway, I still think if you had of felt anything, after your long winded bullshit here, I think you would have mentioned them, so forget I asked that.
Fuck off Rosemary