For me, I see the use of phrases such as "coming together" , "fell apart, was shattered,became unglued etc as representing what REALLY happens. Somehow ,you splinter.
I was thinking about BPD, b/c we were discussing this , yesterday. What happened? The person had 'normal" needs for connection and safetly and did not have them met, so the person adapted, as best they could, in ORDER to survive. The adaptation THEN became the problem.
I starting seeing all of this when I went in to shock, on hearing about Scott's death.When the police came to the door(11:30 PM) I let them in.I said,"Is it my son?". They said, "Ma'am, we want to talk to you when your H is here."I said that I could not walk upstairs to get him .
They told my H . Then, I went in to shock. I sat on the bed and started praying. They were looking at me and asking me if I was ok. I said that I was just praying . I was afraid that they would take me to the hospital .
I have been in shock, since then, even though it has worn off to some degree.
So, I have a new respect for defense mechanisms. IF s/one is an NPD, BPD, neurotic, depressive, anxiety ridden, social anxiety, etc , it is like my shock. It just happens so you won't lose your mind, probably.
At that moment when shock hit me, I had no control over it . It helped me to function. I got through various things. It was NOT me, it was the shock mechanism.
That is how we get through life, with varying degress of the shock mechanism(IMO) and they call it all the 'names"---BPD, depression, anxiety, etc.
I just need to talk, in these coming days ,as I try to come together, from Scott's death and way before Scott's death.
Thank you for listening. Ami