Don't ask me why I'm jumping into this and all the other frays lately, I don't know. But here I go.
It is not intended to. It is intended to be clarifying.
Hi GS -- Thanks for the input. Yes, I'm very sensitive because (read my previous posts).
Also, a huge festering ugly wound is working it's way out of me these days. The wound is filled with hatred, contempt, bitterness, rage.
The wound is ugly, crazy, mean and bleeding and icky.
Contempt breeds contempt, humbling for me. Now I have to practice sowing what I want to reap, which is love. God will transform my heart.
One thing that occurred to me is that I will criticize others, under guise,which is a hiding place of shame and contempt, in order to undo or magical thinking, make my shame and hurt disappear.